
  • Accumulated soil;cumulose soil
  1. 残积土和堆积土的地球化学循环性和方向性规律。

    The geochemical circulation and orientation between eluvial and transported soil deposits .

  2. 松散堆积土滑坡受地下水位变化影响显著,地下水位变化先于地表位移,易于监测。

    The loose deposit landslide was significantly influenced by the groundwater level which was easily monitored and changed before the slope surface moving .

  3. 本车站为暗挖车站,车站主体隧道进洞端为高回填堆积土边坡,地质条件差,国内无可借鉴经验,施工难度大。

    The station uses excavation . The entrance side of the station main tunnel is high backfill accumulation soil slope . The geological conditions are poor .

  4. 松散堆积土种草的水土流失则主要发生在草还未完全覆盖地表前的3个月,该期土壤流失量占其全年的99%以上;而草覆盖地表后,土壤流失则极为轻微。

    As for the loosely-piled soil with seeding treatment , 99 % of the annual erosion occurred during the period before grasses fully-covered the land , that is , 3 months after seeding .

  5. 松散堆积土种草1年与未种草相比,水土流失量前者比后者减少了75.8%,径流深前者比后者低55.5%;

    After one year , the soil erosion in loose cumulated-soil field planted with grass reduced 75.8 % compared loose cumulated-soil field without grass , and the deep of runoff in former was lower 55.5 % than latter ;

  6. 在松散的滑坡堆积碎石土和中强风化岩地基上进行加密灌浆,取得了明显的加固效果。

    This paper introduced the grouting effects of the foundation reinforce on the incompact soil with gravels and the weathered rock .

  7. 临江崩滑堆积体岩土接触面抗剪强度分析

    Analysis of Shear Strength of Interface Between Rock and Riverside Slumping Mass

  8. 那个人说:“地只不过是堆积起来的土罢了。四面八方都是土。

    The man said : " The land is only piled-up earth . There is earth everywhere .

  9. 水稻堆积法培养床土育壮秧的研究

    Study on the Way to Foster Bed Soil by Piling up for Strong Seedlings of Rice

  10. 黄土微结构特征沿黄土剖面垂直方向上及沿地貌单元平面上的变化,主要是受黄土堆积环境、成土环境及埋藏环境共同作用的结果。

    Structure characteristics are mainly controlled by the environments of sedi - mentation , soil formation and loess burying .

  11. 砂石土指第四纪堆积的泥、土、砂、石,为一种极为重要的资源。

    The sandy and stony soil is a very important resource , accumulated in Quaternary in the form of mud , soil , sand , and stones .

  12. 虽然目前我国正在想方设法利用废弃土石和工业废料,但利用率不足10%,大量废弃土石必须堆积在矿区排土场。

    Although we are finding ways to use discarded rock and industrial wastes , but the utilization rate of less than 10 % , a large number of discarded stone was piled up in the mining waste dump .