
  • 网络fund unit;fund shares
  1. 由于投资者可以随时申购或赎回基金份额,其规模会不断发生变化。

    The investors can purchase or redeem fund shares at any time , so its size will continue to change .

  2. 投资管理人员应当遵守公司对外宣传的有关规定,不得误导、欺诈基金份额持有人,不得对基金业绩进行不实的陈述。

    An investment manager shall comply with the related provisions of the company concerning external publicity , and shall not mislead or fraud the holders of fund shares or make untruthful statement concerning the performance of a fund .

  3. 首先,美国机构和散户投资者事实上没有得到平等对待&美国的ETF只与获批准的机构进行大额证券交易,而散户投资者只能从经纪商处获得基金份额。

    For one thing , US institutions and retail investors are not actually treated equally – ETFs in the US only trade blocks of securities with approved institutions , while retail investors only obtain shares through brokers .

  4. 投资者赎回基金份额的,应当拥有对应的足额基金份额。

    Investors redeeming unit fundfund units shall have corresponding adequate unit fundfund units .

  5. 开放式基金份额变动研究

    Change of Size of Open - end Fund

  6. 然而,开放式基金份额的自由赎回优势,却也导致了开放式基金难以避免的流动性风险。

    But the advantage of free redemption also leads to the unavoidable liquidation risk .

  7. 看一下你当初是否设定了分红转投资,直接转成了基金份额。

    See you at the outset whether set share out bonus is converted endowment , turn into fund portion directly .

  8. 3.1本公司对上市开放式基金份额采取分系统登记原则。

    3.1 the company applies the principle ofthat various funds unit is sub-system registered in respective system to the unit of listed open-ended funds .

  9. 公司、股东以及公司员工的利益与基金份额持有人的利益发生冲突时,应当优先保障基金份额持有人的利益。

    When the interests of the company , its shareholders or staff members conflict with those of fund shareholders , the latter shall prevail .

  10. 至2004年末,约9O%的共同基金份额被个人投资者所持有,几乎有一半的美国家庭拥有共同基金资产,大约20%家庭持有的金融资产投资于共同基金。

    Almost one half of the household have the fund accounts , and approximately 20 percent of household financial asset is invested in mutual fund .

  11. 在法律责任上,应建立基金份额持有人的诉讼制度。而且还应健全民事赔偿机制。

    In system of legal liability , China should build and improve the litigation system of the fund share holders , improve the mechanism of civil compensation .

  12. 证券公司和商业银行可依照现有规定通过交易系统报盘方式办理基金份额质押和解除质押登记手续。

    Security company and commercial bank could handle pledge and pledge release registration procedure of unit funds through offer method of trading system according to existing regulations .

  13. 他计划调整学费持续下降的大学的联邦基金份额,而撤回其他学校的联邦基金。

    He 's proposing to steer federal funds in the direction of universities that keep tuition costs down , and pull back on the federal funding of the others .

  14. 网上发售时,投资者以现金认购基金份额的,接受申报的本所会员应即时冻结投资者用于认购的资金,并不得挪用。

    In sales through the net , where investors subscribe with cash , members of this bourse accepting the reporting shall freeze the capital used by investors for subscription and shall not appropriate the capital .

  15. 它是通过对基金份额进行风险收益的重构,将基金份额分成具有不同风险收益特征的基金份额等级,即优先份额和进取份额,从而满足投资者更为细化的投资需求。

    Through Fund share of risk and return reconstruction , Fund share is divided into two classes with different risk-return characteristics , priority shares and enterprising share , to meet investors ' more complicated investment demand .

  16. 出于保护投资者利益以及维护证券市场秩序的考虑,法律应当对私募基金份额转让加以必要的限制。

    On the basis of the protection of the interests of investors and the maintenance of the order of the securities market , necessary restrictions should be imposed upon the transfer of the share of privately offered fund .

  17. 网上发售时,投资者以组合证券认购基金份额的,本所按照基金合同和基金招募说明书的规定,确认其是否拥有对应的足额组合证券。

    In during sales through the net , where investors subscribe unit fundfund units with synthetic securities , this bourse shall confirm whether the investors have corresponding adequate synthetic securities in accordance with the stipulations of the funds contracts and prospectus of funds prospectus .

  18. 在基金份额持有人的利益与公司、股东及与股东有关联关系的机构和个人等的利益发生冲突时,投资管理人员应当坚持基金份额持有人利益优先的原则。

    When the interests of the fund shares holders conflict with those of the company , its shareholders , or the institutions or individuals related to the shareholders , the investment managers shall insist on the principle of giving priority to interests of fund shares holders .

  19. 双方欢迎在韩国庆州G20财长和央行行长会议上就国际货币基金组织份额和治理改革达成的重要共识,这将有助于提高国际货币基金组织的有效性、可信度和合法性。

    We both welcomed the ambitious agreement reached by G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governor at Gyeongju , Korea , to reform the IMFs quota and governance that will help deliver a more effective , credible and legitimate IMF .

  20. 其它以黄金为主题的礼物,可能还有金币或黄金基金的份额,后者的人气正急剧蹿升。

    Other gold-themed gifts might include gold coins or stakes in gold funds , which are surging in popularity .

  21. 因此,在这种背景下,研究开放式基金的份额变动便成了一个具有重大现实意义的课题。

    Under this background , it is of great practical significance to study on the change of size of open-end fund .

  22. 今年,世界银行投票权和国际货币基金组织份额的两项改革都取得了进展,应该按照已确定的时间落实到位。

    Both the World Bank voting power reform and the IMF quota reform have made progress this year , and what has been decided should be implemented within the agreed timeframe .

  23. 但抽象的支持还不够:他们必须立刻掏出钱来,并接受中国要求加快国际货币基金组织份额审查速度的条件,以便让中国释放出巨额的外汇储备。

    But abstract support is not enough : they must immediately put money on the table and accept China 's condition of an expedited IMF quota review in order to free up its vast reserves .

  24. 中国在国际货币基金组织的份额,从原来的第11位提高到了第8位。

    China 's rating in the International Monetary Organization has increased from the 11th place to the eighth place .

  25. 据信,在不良债务领域,对冲基金所占份额略低于上述水平。

    The funds are believed to account for a slightly smaller proportion of activity in the distressed debt arena too .

  26. 还有,某些养老基金持有最大份额未结算合约的大宗商品市场,如生猪市场,还出现了价格下跌。

    In addition , some of the commodities markets in which pension funds hold the largest share of outstanding contracts , such as hogs , have seen price drops .

  27. 采用其他运作方式的基金的基金份额发售、交易、申购、赎回的办法,由国务院另行规定。

    The methods of offering , trading , subscription and redemption of the fund shares of other funds operated through other methods shall be separately formulated by the State Council .

  28. 针对此现象进行了艺术品基金和艺术品份额交易模式的设计,本文创新性的提出了孳息分红运用在艺术品份额交易中,并且在两种交易模式的设计上都考虑和完善了监督体制。

    For this phenomenon , it designed the trading patterns of the art funds and art quotient , innovative raised a proposal of dividend yield in the art quotient transaction .

  29. 廉价的跟踪型基金也增加了份额。

    Cheap tracker funds are also gaining share .

  30. 机构间比率:指世界银行普遍增资中专项法定认缴股份与国际货币基金组织普遍增加份额中专项份额之间的比率。

    Institutional ratio : The ratio between Bank subscriptions authorized solely in general capital increases and IMF quotas obtained solely from general quota increases .