
  • 网络basement fault;foundational fault;I-BF;I-II-BF
  1. 南海地球物理场特征与基底断裂体系研究

    Researches on Geophysical Field Characteristics and Basement Fault System of South China Sea

  2. 基底断裂“隐性活动”对鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界天然气成藏的作用

    Control of basement fault minor-activity on gas pool formation of Upper Paleozoic , Ordos Basin

  3. 热水流体系统和贱金属成矿作用发育于义敦岛弧碰撞造山带上的弧间裂谷盆地内,并受其内部的一系列局限盆地及SN向基底断裂-裂隙系统控制。

    The hydrothermal fluid system and base metallic mineralization were developed in interarc rift basins of Yidun arc-collision orogenic belt . The emplacement of orebodies was controlled by a series of restricted basins and SN-trending fault-fissure systems .

  4. 第二旋回的火山机构就位于NE向深断裂左旋走滑复活产生的SN向拉分构造与EW向基底断裂的结点,产生了中心式火山岩浆喷溢侵出。

    Volcanic apparatus in the second cycle was emplaced at junction points of SN trending pull apart structure activated by sinistral strike slipping of NE trending deep faults and EW trending basement faults causing the center type volcanic magma effusion and extrusion .

  5. 研究区域的基底断裂构造十分发育.EW、NEE和NE向基底大断裂宏观上构成和控制区域地质构造的基本格架;

    Fault structures of basement in the study area develop well . The large basement faults in EW , NEE and NE directions construct and control the principle frame of the regional geological structure on a grand scale .

  6. 根据物理模拟实验,认为莺歌海盆地的演化受到了NW与近SN向基底断裂的控制,在印支地块顺时针挤出应力场下发育和演化;

    Based on analogue modeling experiments , we believe that the evolution of the Yinggehai Basin was controlled by initial NW and roughly N-S basal faults and developed under the stress field of the sinistral slip and clockwise rotation of the Indochina block .

  7. 矿床受基底断裂控制,呈带状分布。

    The deposits are controlled by foundation faults , distributed in belts .

  8. 川中地区基底断裂的发育特征及成因机制

    On the characteristics and mechanism of basement faults in Central Sichuan Basin

  9. 南冲绳海槽及其邻域的基底断裂构造

    Basement faulted structure in the South Okinawa Trough and vicinity

  10. 鄂尔多斯盆地基底断裂的环境地球化学效应

    Environmental and Geochemical Effects of Basement Fractures in Ordos Basin

  11. 推断基底断裂8条,盖层断裂15条。

    Eight basement faults and fifteen superficial faults have .

  12. 鄂尔多斯盆地基底断裂及其现代活动性

    Basement Faults and Their Recent Activity in Ordos Basin

  13. 推断华蓥山断裂带系基底断裂的论点是正确的。

    It is a correct argument that Huayingshan fault zone is a fundamental fault .

  14. 鄂尔多斯盆地基底断裂对环境地球化学景观与水土流失的控制作用

    Control Action of Basement Fractures on Environment Geochemistry Landscape and Soil Erosion in Ordos Basin

  15. 滨北地区是目前深层油气勘探的重点区,深部油气的形成与基底断裂活动有关。

    The formation of the hydrocarbon in the deep is closely associated with the basement fracture .

  16. 礁分布可能受隐伏基底断裂活动所形成的古构造控制。

    Reef distribution may be controlled by the paleostructure produced by the activities of buried basement faults .

  17. 盆地基底断裂对后期构造变形有什么影响?

    What effects will the fault , of basement have on the deformation of the later structure ?

  18. 鄂尔多斯盆地基底断裂在上三叠统延长组石油聚集中的控制作用

    Key role of basement fault control on oi accumulation of Yanchang Formation , Uppe Triassic , Ordos Basin

  19. 昆明盆地基底断裂地震勘探测线设计及施工参数试验分析

    Design of Seismic Exploration Line on the Basement Rift in Kunming Basin and Experimental Analysis for Construction Parameters

  20. 表层褶皱是重要的控矿构造,基底断裂为主要导矿构造;

    Its superficial fold is the important structure for ore-controlling and the basement fault the main passage of ore fluid .

  21. 基底断裂控制了多种能源矿产和地球化学场的分布特征;

    The distribution of the Multi-energy Mineral Diposits and the geochemical field is controlled by the basement faults in the basin .

  22. 统一应力场中基底断裂对盖层复杂断块变形的影响&来自砂箱实验的启示

    The influence of basement fault on the deformation of complex cover blocks in a uniform stress field & Enlightenment from sandbox experiment

  23. 因此,地下深处与地球物理异常带相对应的基底断裂至少中生代以来没有明显活动。

    So the deep basement faults corresponding to the geophysical abnormal belt were not obviously active at least since Cenozoic and Neozoic Era .

  24. 油气沿古梁聚集的构造本质是基底断裂显性及隐性活动的上延穿层效应。

    The structural essence of petroleum accumulation along the Permian ridge was the upward-stretching effect of basement faults with dominant and minor activities .

  25. 重、磁资料综合解释结果为沉积盖层构造分区、基底断裂推断及火成岩岩性识别提供依据。

    The result of gravity and magnetic interpretation provide inference of structural di - vision of the basement and distinguish of igneous rock .

  26. 理论分析和地质事实证实,北东向高角度逆断层及基底断裂系是浅层岩浆输运的主要通道;

    Theoretical analysis and geological facts validated that the NE high-angle reverse faults and the basal faults were the flow channels for shallow magma .

  27. 从构造方面来看,不同时期发育起来的深断裂及基底断裂控制着盆地的沉积格局。

    From the structural point of view , different periods of deep faults and has grown to basement faults controlled the basin of deposition pattern .

  28. 新生代以来,沾化凹陷岩浆活动(构造-热事件)十分强烈,且这种岩浆活动受基底断裂的控制。

    Since Cenozoic period , the magmatic activity ( tectonic-thermal event ) in Zhanhua Sag is very strong and it is controlled by basement fracture .

  29. 晚白垩纪后,构造变形表现为一系列重新活动的基底断裂和新生断裂,褶皱构造简单。

    After late Cretaceous , structural deformation shows a series of movable basement fault again and new 's fault . The fold structure is very simple .

  30. 同时,基底断裂分布区的异常高古地热加速了有机质生烃演化。

    Meanwhile , NE basement faults caused the abnormal high geothermal field during Late Jurassic-Cretaceous , which accelerated the thermal evolution of source rock in Yanchang Formation .