
  • 网络Urban Air Pollution
  1. GIS系统在城市大气污染控制与能源结构优化中的应用

    Application Study on GIS in Urban Air Pollution Control and Optimization of Energy Structure

  2. 本论文利用MODIS资料遥感北京及其周边地区气溶胶光学厚度是为了提供监测城市大气污染新的、经济而便捷的观测手段。

    Retrieval aerosols optical thickness over Beijing and its surrounding area from MODIS data aims at providing a new , economical and convenient measurement for urban air pollution monitoring .

  3. Air(初三适用)城市大气污染治理规划方法

    Method of planning for air pollution control in urban area

  4. 城市大气污染扩散GIS模拟分析&以福州市为例这部分研究了突发事故时影响大气污染扩散的因素,包括气象因素和地形因素两方面。

    GIS-based Urban Atmospheric Dispersion Model - A Case Study in Fuzhou This part analyzed the conditions influencing the dispersion , including meteorological and geographical factors .

  5. 近年来,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)已经成为我国城市大气污染的首要问题。

    Atmosphere particles have been the primary air pollutants of the cities in recent years .

  6. 1995年全国机动车排放的CO和NOx分别为2000万吨和120万吨,两者和铅对城市大气污染的分担率分别达85%、40-45%和80-90%。

    In 1995 , the CO and NOx discharged from vehicles are 20 million tons and 1 2 million tons . The sharing rate of pollution of CO , NOx and Lead to the urban air are respectively 85 % , 40-45 % and 80-90 % .

  7. 不同排放高度的污染源对城市大气污染的贡献分析

    Contribution of Different Height of Pollution Source to City Air Pollution

  8. 城市大气污染仍然较重。

    The air pollution in the urban area is still serious .

  9. 北京城市大气污染源的暴露效率研究

    Exposure Efficiencies of Urban Air Pollution Sources in Beijing City On Efficiency

  10. 河南省2004年度城市大气污染现状分析

    Analysis on characteristic of urban air pollution in Henan province

  11. 兰州城市大气污染成因及其防治措施

    Contributing factor and preventive measures of air pollution in Lanzhou

  12. 煤炭城市大气污染特征与防治对策

    The sources and Countermeasures of air pollution in Coal Cities

  13. 用太阳辐射数据推测城市大气污染状况初探

    Estimation of the City Atmospheric Pollution Using Solar Radiation Data

  14. 2007年我国城市大气污染时空分布特征

    Spatial-Temporal Distribution Characteristic of Chinese Cities Air Pollution in 2007

  15. 城市大气污染问题是环境保护的一项难题。

    Air pollution is a difficult problem for environmental protect .

  16. 城市大气污染扩散监测模型的理论与试验研究

    Theoretical and experimental study on monitoring model for urban atmospheric pollution diffusion

  17. 合理使用汽车燃料改善城市大气污染

    Rationally utilize automobile fuel to reduce urban air pollution

  18. 汽车尾气对大气的污染已成为城市大气污染的主要污染源。

    The automobile exhaust becomes the main source of atmosphere pollution in city .

  19. 城市大气污染预报模型的研究

    Study on Forecasting Models for Air Pollution in Cities

  20. 为城市大气污染控制工程的实施提供了决策的依据。

    It should provide theoretical bases to the urban air pollution control engineering .

  21. 沿岸城市大气污染的气象及扩散特征

    The characteristics of Meteorology and diffusion of air pollution over the shore cities

  22. 风向变化对城市大气污染的影响及试验分析

    Wind direction affects urban air pollution & Experiment Analyses

  23. 城市大气污染控制的计算机动态管理系统

    Dynamic Computer Management System for Urban Air Pollution Control

  24. 应用园林植物监测城市大气污染的探讨

    Monitoring of Landscape Plant to Air Pollution in City

  25. 彩色红外航片在城市大气污染源调研中的应用

    An application research for surveying of urban air pollution sources using color infrared aerophotographs

  26. 城市大气污染气象潜势评价研究

    Study on the Assessment of the Potential of High Density Air Pollution in Cities

  27. 城市大气污染源排污负荷优化分配模型

    Optimal allocation for urban air pollutant load discharged

  28. 供暖节能是减少城市大气污染有效途径

    Saving Energy in Delivered Heat System is An Efficient Path to Reduce Air Pollution

  29. 我国许多城市大气污染正由煤烟型向汽车型转化,大气中铅污染60%来自汽车废气;

    The air pollution in big cities of China is being changed from smust to auto-exhaust .

  30. 辽宁城市大气污染造成的居民健康损失及其货币化估计

    Assessment of Economic Loss Due to Health Impact of Air Pollution in City of Liaoning Province