
  • 网络under-deposit corrosion
  1. 同时,不锈钢填料和边缘板上的腐蚀沉积物会引发局部垢下腐蚀。

    In addition , the corrosion deposits on the packings and ring plate would lead to under-deposit corrosion .

  2. 试样表面的腐蚀产物主要是FeS,说明在这种环境中,套管可能同时遭受CO2腐蚀、硫酸盐还原菌腐蚀、H2S腐蚀和垢下腐蚀,其中H2S腐蚀和垢下腐蚀引起的点蚀占主导。

    The corrosion product on the sample surfaces is mainly FeS , this means that the casing in this environment suffers CO2 corrosion , bacteria corrosion , H2S corrosion and down-scale corrosion simultaneously .

  3. 依据试验结果对该井油管腐蚀的原因进行了分析讨论,认为该井油管主要是垢下腐蚀和H2S腐蚀,并且随着该井产水的出现和不断增大,腐蚀会越来越严重。

    The analysis result is used to analyze the corrosive causes of the oil-well pipes , i. e filthy corrosion and H2_S corrosion , and the corrosive condition is becoming worse with the increase of water level .

  4. 沉积在金属表面会引起严重的垢下腐蚀;

    The sludge which deposits on the metal surface will result in serious corrosion under the scale .

  5. 原油储罐的内壁腐蚀原因为吸氧腐蚀、盐类腐蚀和原油沉积造成的垢下腐蚀,而且原油沉积造成的垢下腐蚀最严重。

    Internal corrosions of the oil storage tanks are caused by oxygen-absorbed , salt and deposits , the last kind of corrosion is most serious .

  6. 由于在气区的垢下腐蚀为局部腐蚀,腐蚀速度大于液相区的腐蚀。

    The average corrosion rate in vapor phase is greater than in the solution because the corrosion in a vapor is the local corrosion under scale .

  7. 高硬度的水进入热力系统,易在设备中形成水垢,不仅极大影响热力系统的导热能力,而且会引起炉管过热损坏,发生垢下腐蚀。

    If high rigidity water with high hardness enters into the thermodynamic system , scale is easy to be formed so that heat conduction will be lowered and the tube will be damaged .

  8. 相当数量的铁离子在系统中沉积会形成垢下腐蚀,铁、硅系列离子在汽轮机和锅炉管道中/低压区段也会形成沉积。

    A high concentration of Fe ions may cause sludge occasioned corrosion , and iron as well as silicon containing ions may also cause deposits to settle down in the low and medium pressure piping sections of boilers and steam turbines .

  9. 浅论垢下碱性腐蚀

    On Caustic Corrosion Occurring under a Fouling

  10. 结果表明,水冷却器管束腐蚀穿孔主要是由于材料不合格造成的,冷却水在管内严重结垢给材料产生垢下腐蚀提供了条件。

    Results indicated that disqualification of material and the formation of furring in the cooling water caused the pitting and led to final accident .

  11. 水垢与锈垢的形成导致传热管内壁金属受到垢下腐蚀,垢下腐蚀对金属材料的穿进速度大,形成凹坑以至穿孔。

    The present of scale and rust on the inside tube wall led to the pits and penetration of the tubed wall due to corrosion beneath scale .

  12. 利用能谱分析和扫描电镜技术对腐蚀过程中产生的垢样进行分析,研究了注水管线结垢的主要成分及垢下腐蚀的机理。(3)流速对注水管道内腐蚀行为研究。

    Using the energy spectrum analysis and SEM analysis of the corrosion process of scaling samples , analyzing the main composition of scaling in water injection pipeline and the mechanism of corrosion under the scaling . ( 3 ) Internal corrosion behavior research on water velocity of water injection pipeline .