
  • 网络Cumberland;cumbrian
  1. 1916年,佐治亚理工以222比0的比分击败坎伯兰。之后再没有出现过比分如此悬殊的比赛。

    In 1916 , Georgia Tech beat Cumberland 222-0 . No game since has been that lopsided .

  2. SweetWilliam这个名字据说是为了纪念18世纪的威廉王子,坎伯兰郡公爵。

    " Sweet William " is often said to honour the eighteenth century Prince William , Duke of Cumberland .

  3. 第二,福特多纳尔森,在附近的坎伯兰河。

    The second , Fort Donelson , was nearby on the Cumberland River .

  4. 坎伯兰河的水位上升了超过50英尺。

    The Cumberland River has risen above 50 feet .

  5. 和大多数仍然是老牵道,一直到坎伯兰。

    And most of the old towpath remains , all the way to Cumberland .

  6. 他到达帕丁顿车站,从那里又步行到坎伯兰旅馆。

    He arrived at Paddington station , whence he walked to the Cumberland hotel .

  7. 他父亲去世时他将得到坎伯兰公爵的头衔。

    When his father dies he will have the title of Duke of cumberland .

  8. 本性问日光农场坎伯兰县,并没收了

    Sunlight Farm in Cumberland County and confiscated

  9. 大部分的水流入坎伯兰河,通过纳什维尔流动。

    Much of that water flowed into the Cumberland River , which flows through Nashville .

  10. 但是检察官希望他能被安排到距离华盛顿2小时距离的马里兰州坎伯兰的一家监狱。

    Prosecutors wanted him a igned to a prison in Cumberland , Maryland , about two hours away .

  11. 布恩与30名同伴披荆斩棘穿越坎伯兰岬口探寻财富。

    Boone and his 30 men slash through the Cumberland Gap ... on a mission to tap the riches .

  12. 尽管雨已经停了,人们仍然担心坎伯兰郡河的水位会升到多高。

    And while the rain is over , people are still worried about how high the Cumberland River will crest .

  13. 好消息是,坎伯兰河已经到达洪峰,水位正在下降。

    The good news is , Brooke , that the Cumberland River has crested and is on the way down .

  14. 他的作品包括《孤独的收割者》,《致高地姑娘》,《老坎伯兰的乞丐》和《被摧毁的茅屋》。

    His works contain The Solitary Reaper , To a Highland Girl , The Old Cumberland Beggar and The Ruined Cottage .

  15. 他拐进坎伯兰街,往前赶了几步,就在车站围墙的背风处停下了。

    He turned into Cumberland street and , going on some paces , halted in the lee of the station wall .

  16. 坎伯兰河和其他河流水位上涨超出人们的想象。甚至周日早上还有一位当地牧师被困。

    The Cumberland River and other waterways rose faster than most people could imagine , trapping even a local pastor Sunday morning .

  17. 他售卖坎伯兰香肠跟马铃薯泥、牧羊人派。晚上这里是我所知道的全世界最开放的麦克风演出夜店。

    He 's got bangers and mash , shepherd 's pie , and at night he 's got the most open-mic club that I know of inthe world .

  18. 至少坎伯兰还合乎礼节地体面地忠于他的新娘,而他的兄长,格洛斯特的威廉王子,也与一个平民私奔了,且之后又为另一个无足轻重的人而将其抛弃。

    At least Cumberland had the decency to stick by his bride : his elder brother , Prince William of Gloucester , also ran off with a commoner before abandoning her for someone equally surplus to requirements .