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  • soaking pit
  1. 基于模糊推理的均热炉温度迭代学习控制研究

    The Soaking Pit Temperature Iteration Learning Control Based on Fuzzy Reasoning

  2. 多晶氧化铝纤维制品在均热炉砂封上的应用

    Application of polycrystal alumina fibre products for sand seal in soaking pit

  3. CSP线均热炉炉内板坯运行的优化

    Control Optimization of Slab Running in Pit Furnace of CSP

  4. 珠钢CSP生产线均热炉过程模拟

    Process simulation of reheating furnace of CSP production line of Zhujiang Iron and Steel Company

  5. 珠钢CSP生产线均热炉油耗的研究及降低油耗的改进措施

    Investigation of light diesel oil consumption of soaking and measures of decreasing in Zhujiang CSP steel

  6. 此外,含Ni、Cu合金元素板坯在均热炉内加热时会产生很粘的氧化铁皮,影响钢材表面质量。

    Moreover , sheet billet containing Cu , Ni will bring about a layer of viscous iron oxide scale when heated in soaking furnace that resulted in influence on the surface quality of steel product .

  7. 本文论述均热炉的控制系统组成特点,并详细阐述燃烧控制PLC和板坯跟踪PLC及在生产中产生的一些问题。

    The article introduces the characteristic of control system structure for the soaking furnace and describes in detail the combustion control for PLC materiel tracking for PLC . in addition the problems existed in the production .

  8. 均热炉的加热过程模拟系统是CSP生产线组织性能预报软件的重要组成部分;

    The reheating process simulation system of reheating furnace is the important component of microstructure and performance prediction software of CSP production line of Zhujiang Iron and Steel Co.

  9. 介绍了日本横河公司μXL集散控制系统的特点、系统功能及组成,并叙述了在轧钢均热炉上应用软件开发的过程。

    The paper introduces the features , functions and configuration of μ XL total distributed control system of Yokogawa Corporation , and describes in detail the development procedure of the applied software on soaking pits .

  10. 本文已用VB-EST工具成功地开发了均热炉群调度管理专家系统,其速度较高、效果良好。

    With the VB-EST , the thesis has successfully developed a soaking pits management expert system which process at high speed and achieves good effect .

  11. 新结构换热器在均热炉上应用的试验研究

    Experimental study on the application of new HEAT-RECUPERATORS in soaking pits

  12. 热轧均热炉燃烧过程控制系统优化及其应用

    The Optimization and Application of CSP Furnace Burning Process Control System

  13. 均热炉计算机优化控制。

    The optimal controlling , for soaking furnaces with using computer .

  14. 初轧均热炉燃烧过程模糊控制系统

    A Fuzzy Control Burning System for The Blooming Mill Pit Furnace

  15. 长坑均热炉内流场的研究&物理与数学模拟

    On the Flow Field in One-Way-Fired-Pit & Physical / Mathematical Modelling

  16. 钢锭热过程模型化与均热炉优化控制

    Thermal process modelling of ingots and optimal controlling of soaking furnaces

  17. 上部单烧嘴长坑均热炉改造试验研究

    Experiment research on reforming of rectangle Equiflux heater with single upper burner

  18. 济钢9、10号均热炉的技术改造

    Technological reformation of the soaking No.9 and 10 in Jinan Steel Works

  19. 鞍钢热轧带钢厂均热炉车间吊车梁的改建

    Crane Girder Reconstruction in Soaking Pit Shop of AISC Hot Strip Plant

  20. 均热炉群钢锭优化加热计算机控制系统

    Computer control system of ingot optimization heating of soaking furnaces

  21. 均热炉钢锭加热计算中间包或钢包电渣加热法

    Calculation on heating process of ingots electroslag heating in tundish or ladle

  22. 均热炉温度模糊滑模迭代学习控制算法

    Algorithm of Fuzzy Sliding Mode Iterative Leaning Control for Rolling Mill Temperature

  23. 均热炉群生产过程优化控制系统

    Optimizing control system for production process of soaking pits HOMOMORPH-GROUP

  24. 我国均热炉的装炉温度与燃料消耗

    Charge temperature and fuel consumption of soaking pit in China

  25. 均热炉烟气定氧控制燃烧

    Using flue gas oxygen sensor to control the combustion in pit furnace

  26. 均热炉钢锭出炉后合理运锭时间的探讨

    Study on rational transportation time for ingots from soaking pits

  27. 鞍钢方坑均热炉烧钢工艺研究

    Research on Steel Reheating Technology in Pit Soaking Furnace

  28. 均热炉燃烧系统改造方案的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Investigation of the Combustion-system Modification Scheme for a Cell Pit Furnace

  29. 硅酸镁保温材料在均热炉上的应用

    Application of magnesium silicate insulation material to soaking pits

  30. 单侧上烧嘴均热炉小炉坑的节能改造

    Energy-saving transformation of small furnace pit of soaking pit with upper one-side burner