
  • 网络S wave;secondary wave
  1. 针对地震横波在地表低速层内的振幅放大效应问题,提出了一种模拟SH波在地表层状介质中传播的递推算法,并用它模拟了新西兰Alfredton盆地A10场址的SH波地震动响应特性。

    A recurrence algorithm is presented in this paper for modelling SH waves in subsurface multi-layer media . The ground motion amplification due to SH waves at Site A10 in the Alfredton Basin , New Zealand , is modelled using this approach .

  2. 地震横波反射在岩溶塌陷勘察中的应用

    Application of Seismic Transver Wave Reflection to Investigation of Karst Collapse

  3. 对大同地震横波分裂的研究

    The study on shear-wave splitting of Datong earthquake , north China

  4. 地震横波反射法探测含水洞穴的研究

    Detecting Underground Water-Bearing Caves by Seismic Transverse Wave Reflection Method

  5. 基于地震横波分裂理论的火成岩裂缝检测

    The detection of fracture in igneous-rock-reservoir based on s-wave splitting

  6. 岩溶塌陷勘察中地震横波反射技术的应用与资料解释

    Application of Transverse Wave Reflection to the Investigation of Karst and Collapse

  7. 四川碳酸盐岩区地震横波分裂与各向异性

    S-wave splitting and anisotropy in carbonate areas of Sichuan

  8. 在地幔高温地带地震横波运动要慢一点。

    Shear waves from earthquakes travel more slowly through high-temperature areas of the mantle .

  9. 另一种体波是S波或地震横波。

    The other type of body wave is the S wave or secondary wave .

  10. 探硐地震横波测试刍议

    Use of Seismic Transverse Waves for Testing the Rock Mass in a Prospecting Adit

  11. 人工地震横波地质勘察&查明复杂、疑难地质问题的新方法

    Geological Exploration by Artificial Seism of S-wave & new method find out complex and difficult geological problems

  12. 通过实例分析研究了基岩及岩溶的地震横波反射特征和规律。

    The characteristics and law of seismic transverse wave reflection of bedrock and karst are analyzed through practical projects .

  13. 本文提供了地震横波反射法及横波速度在工程勘察中的应用实例。

    This paper provides an example of the application of seismic S-wave reflection method and S-wave velocity to engineering investigation .

  14. 以往由于近地表工程地震横波勘探的激发、接收在技术上的复杂性、识别困难,以及勘探深度(70~100m)有限所致,故对地震横波的利用比较少。

    Because of the technical complexity of excitation and reception and difficulty in wave recognition especially the limitation of exploring depth ( 70 ~ 100 ? m ) in seismic transverse wave reflection method for shallow-layer projects , the transverse wave method was rarely used .

  15. 黄河大堤根石探测的地震SH横波方法研究

    Study on SH-wave detection method of root stones along the Yellow River dyke

  16. 高分辨率工程地震勘探横波(SH)反射法

    High resolution engineering seismic SH reflection method

  17. 综合应用地震纵波、横波(及转换波)所提供的与目的层相关的地质特征信息对寻找复杂的隐蔽性圈闭、构造有着十分重要的意义。

    It is significant to apply geology characteristic information related with target layers supplied from primary wave 、 transverse wave ( and conversion wave ) for searching complicated concealable trap and structure .

  18. 井间地震资料中的横波信息

    The S - wave information in crosswell seismic data

  19. 利用纯S波输入研究地震台站下方的横波速度结构

    A study on transversal wave velocity structure under seismic station by inputting pure S wave