
dì pǐ
  • local ruffian;bully;hood;gangsta;skelm;local riffraff
地痞 [dì pǐ]
  • [bad eggs;local ruffian;local riffraff] 地方上的流氓、无赖

  1. 你对那些地痞让步他们就得寸进尺

    Let these crooks get a foothold , they 'll never let go .

  2. 地痞起源于农业文明,是各个阶层中最腐化堕落的一群。

    Local rascals , originating from the countryside , become corrupt and degenerate .

  3. 你比地痞流氓还坏!

    You 're way worse than street thugs !

  4. 地痞们又偷了收音机了!

    The jerks stole the radio again !

  5. 地痞们遂拜他为师,向他学习武艺。

    Accepting their defeat , they then asked Lu to teach them the boxing art .

  6. 地痞流氓怎么会是朋友。

    Thugs can never be friends .

  7. 狰狞凶残的地痞无赖与等级出身的隐形杀手。

    ( C ) Of the hideous murderous troll rogue and the level of origin of the invisible killer .

  8. 论乡村地痞对农村基层行政的影响城乡边缘带的行政管理初探

    Rural Rascaldom and Its Impact on the Village Administration The Discussion of Administration on the Rural - urban Fringe

  9. 警方正在举行训练,应对任何安全威胁,从政治示威到愤怒的球迷,到地痞流氓,到恐怖主义阴谋。

    The police are training to deal with any security threat , from political demonstrations and angry fans to hooligans and terrorist attempts .

  10. 他的妻子每天只顾看电视,三个孩子都辍学了,并和当地的地痞流氓混在一起。

    His wife watches TV all day and his three teenage kids have dropped out of high school to hang around with the local toughs .

  11. 卷入纠纷的当事人包括官僚、乡绅、地主、商人、佃仆乃至地痞无赖等社会各个等级与阶层人员。

    The parties involved in disputes , including bureaucrats , gentry , landowners , businessmen , and even the local ruffians rogue tenant servant of society , such as Level and Class members .

  12. 一些地痞斥责她在美国国歌奏响时,她没有把手放在心口。人们还指责她没有跳起来为队友的全能决赛卖力欢呼。

    If it wasn 't the bullies berating her for not putting her hand over her heart while the US national anthem played , it was people attacking her for not jumping up and cheering hard enough for team-mates at the all-around final .

  13. 地主城居在政治上使农村社会基层权力结构中非官方力量制约减弱,加重了农村基层政权地痞化和流氓化的趋势,基层政权的合法性危机加深。

    The landlord 's city residence resulted the non official restriction in the countryside power structure decreased in the political sphere , because the ruffian and roguish tendency in the countryside authority increased , the legal state of the countryside authority crisis increased also .