
  • 网络environmental determinism;determinism of geographical environment
  1. 绝对地理环境决定论是唯心主义的理论观点。

    The absolute geographic environmental determinism is the idealistic theory .

  2. 而相对地理环境决定论是唯物主义的科学理论,是地理学人地关系理论体系的重要组成部分。

    But relatively geographic environmental determinism is materialism scientific theory and an important component part of the Man-land relationship theoretical system of geographical .

  3. 地理环境决定论片面地夸大了地理环境的社会作用,我国传统地理环境理论忽视或贬低了地理环境的社会作用。

    Chinese traditional geo-environmental theory neglected or debased the social impact of the geo-environment .

  4. 生态环境理论与地理环境决定论二者之间虽有异有同但毕竟是异大于同。

    There is nor so much identity as diffrence on theory between ecologic-environmentalism and geo-environmentalism .

  5. 这一概念是建立在一般的贫困理论、可持续生计理论和地理环境决定论的基础之上。

    The concept is on the basis of the general theory of poverty , sustainable livelihoods and geographical environment .

  6. 盛世藏珍国家珍贵文物征集成果展地理环境决定论是人类优秀文化遗产

    Achievements in the Solicitation of Precious Cultural Relics Determinism of Geographic Environment is Precious Cultural Heritage of the World

  7. 人地关系随着社会和生成力的发展而发展,先后经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、协调论等认识阶段。

    Human-environment relationship develops along with society and the productive forces development and had experienced several different phases such as " mandate of heaven "," geographic environmental determinism "," the law of probability " and " the coordination principle " and so on .

  8. 地理环境论与梁启超的新史学理论地理环境与人类社会&孟德斯鸠、黑格尔地理环境决定论史观比较

    Geographical Environmental Theory and Liang Qichao s Theory of Neo-historiography ; Geographical Environment and Human society : a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel