- 网络geophysical inversion

Section Overlay and Its Application in Geophysical Inversion Modeling
Solution to the Fredholm Integral Equation in Geophysical Inversion by Walsh Function
A solution to the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is developed for step functions by means of Walsh function . The electromagnetic inverse scattering problem governed by the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is an ill-posed problem .
Discussion on Genetic Algorithm Encoding Scale in Geophysical Inversion
Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm & 1 . Searching a parameter space
The uniform design optimized method for geophysics inversion problem
Geophysical inversion using apparent model space contrast method
Review of Quasi-Linear Approximation in Geophysical Inversion
The un-uniqueness of estimated parameter is one of the problems in geodetic and geophysical inversion .
The joint inversion of surface and borehole magnetic data is a new geophysical inversion which combines the advantages of surface and borehole magnetic data .
The joint inversion has better resolution and can more effectively resolve the problem of non-uniqueness than the inversion using only one geophysical method data .
This paper gave a brief review on neural nets and neural computers , neuron models , layered network structures , error back-propagation algorithm and its application to geophysical inversion .
In additional , inversion of interface-wave dispersion curves is typically a highly nonlinear , multi-parameter , and multi-optima inversion problem , as well as most other marine geophysical optimization problems .
To overcome the non-uniqueness of geophysical inversions , the investigation of the crustal velocity structure beneath a region from different data by using different methods will be the most efficient .
The Non linear geophysical inversion methods have became mature since 1990s . These methods include the linearized iteration method , the simulated annealing , the genetic algorithms and joint inversion methods .
As most of geophysical inversions appear as objective function optimization with multi-extreme , which makes the conventional inversion methods based on linear or quasi-linear theory cause the solution to be optimized locally and unreliable .
For carrying out exploration in oil and gas reserviors , we need to know the reservior parameters , such as porosity , permeability , saturation and so on , to predict the stratum structure .
The geophysical inversion can be regarded as an understanding or interpretation of geophysical property on the basis of the observed data , while the inversion of multiple geophysical data can be regarded as a fusion of multiple sensor data .
The geophysical inversion methods have been mature since 1970s . These methods include the travel-time inversion and seismic tomography , the waveform inversion and linearized iteration method , the simulated annealing , the genetic algorithms and joint inversion methods .
As a new common in-version idea , it is not only suitable to MT sounding data inversion , but also can be appliable to other geo-physical inversion problems . Conductivity Structure of Lithosphere in Central North China : Magnetotelluric Study of Yingxian-Shanghe profile
A Study of Estimating Criterion and Resolution of Geophysical Linear Inversion
Studies and Applications of Land Surface Parameters Retrieval with NOAA / AVHRR Data
It also proved to be available for integration inversion in inhomogeneous medium .
A review of the researches for geophysical combinative inversion
At the same time , we completed the comprehensive prediction of distribution of reservoir using the combination of analysis high resolution sequence stratigraphy and many geophysical technologies .
Geophysical diffraction tomography and iterative inverse scattering tomog - raphy are typical of tomography methods for geophysical wave equation inver - sion .
A geophysical integration inversion method based on data fusion
These research results will be the basement of geophysical inversion and setting of geological model for Yellow Sea area .
Conclusion With the increasing improvement of recognition technique for high resolution gravity , magnetic interfaces , it is possible to use the explored result boosting the development of overall geophysical combined modeling inversion .
Such organic combination of the determined signal analytical method for potential field analytical continuation with the stochastic signal analytical method for principal component analysis provides a new channel for the inversion of geophysical potential field .