
  • 网络geophysical inversion
  1. 剖面叠置思想在地球物理反演建模中的应用

    Section Overlay and Its Application in Geophysical Inversion Modeling

  2. 地球物理反演中积分方程的沃尔什函数解法

    Solution to the Fredholm Integral Equation in Geophysical Inversion by Walsh Function

  3. 在地球物理反演中,通常归结为阶梯函数的第一类Fredholm积分方程,文中给出了该积分方程的沃尔什函数解法。由第一类Fredholm积分方程所描述的电磁逆散射问题是非适定问题。

    A solution to the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is developed for step functions by means of Walsh function . The electromagnetic inverse scattering problem governed by the first kind of Fredholm integral equation is an ill-posed problem .

  4. 地球物理反演中遗传算法编码进制的讨论

    Discussion on Genetic Algorithm Encoding Scale in Geophysical Inversion

  5. 地球物理反演的相邻算法:搜索参数空间

    Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm & 1 . Searching a parameter space

  6. 用于地球物理反演的均匀设计优化算法

    The uniform design optimized method for geophysics inversion problem

  7. 用视模型空间对比进行地球物理反演

    Geophysical inversion using apparent model space contrast method

  8. 地球物理反演的拟线性近似方法综述

    Review of Quasi-Linear Approximation in Geophysical Inversion

  9. 解的非惟一性是大地测量地球物理反演的一个难题。

    The un-uniqueness of estimated parameter is one of the problems in geodetic and geophysical inversion .

  10. 磁测资料井地联合反演是结合井中与地面磁测数据的各自优势,进行地球物理反演的一种新方法。

    The joint inversion of surface and borehole magnetic data is a new geophysical inversion which combines the advantages of surface and borehole magnetic data .

  11. 联合反演的优点就是比单一地球物理反演方法具有更高的分辨率,并且在一定程度上抑制了问题的多解性。

    The joint inversion has better resolution and can more effectively resolve the problem of non-uniqueness than the inversion using only one geophysical method data .

  12. 本文简要介绍神经网络与神经计算机,神经元模型,层状网络结构,误差逆传播算法及其在地球物理反演中的应用。

    This paper gave a brief review on neural nets and neural computers , neuron models , layered network structures , error back-propagation algorithm and its application to geophysical inversion .

  13. 此外,界面波频散曲线反演是一个典型的高度非线性、多参数、多极值的海洋地球物理反演问题和最优化控制问题。

    In additional , inversion of interface-wave dispersion curves is typically a highly nonlinear , multi-parameter , and multi-optima inversion problem , as well as most other marine geophysical optimization problems .

  14. 由于各种地球物理反演方法往往存在程度不同的非唯一性。对同一区域,采用不同数据源和多种地球物理反演技术研究其地下速度结构无疑成为解决这一问题最有效的途径。

    To overcome the non-uniqueness of geophysical inversions , the investigation of the crustal velocity structure beneath a region from different data by using different methods will be the most efficient .

  15. 自20世纪90年代以来,非线性地球物理反演方法已走向成熟,这些方法包括线性化迭代法,仿真淬火法,遗传算法及联合反演方法等。

    The Non linear geophysical inversion methods have became mature since 1990s . These methods include the linearized iteration method , the simulated annealing , the genetic algorithms and joint inversion methods .

  16. 由于大部分地球物理反演属于多极值的目标函数优化,使得基于线性或拟线性理论的反演方法往往导致反演结果陷入局部最优,造成反演结果的不可靠。

    As most of geophysical inversions appear as objective function optimization with multi-extreme , which makes the conventional inversion methods based on linear or quasi-linear theory cause the solution to be optimized locally and unreliable .

  17. 在进行油气储层勘探时,我们需要事先知道孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等储层参数以预测地层结构,而这些参数的获得往往都要通过地球物理反演来得到。

    For carrying out exploration in oil and gas reserviors , we need to know the reservior parameters , such as porosity , permeability , saturation and so on , to predict the stratum structure .

  18. 从地球物理反演的基本概念出发,认为地球物理反演是对实测数据的地球物理属性的理解或解释,多方法的地球物理数据联合反演是一种多传感器的数据融合。

    The geophysical inversion can be regarded as an understanding or interpretation of geophysical property on the basis of the observed data , while the inversion of multiple geophysical data can be regarded as a fusion of multiple sensor data .

  19. 自20世纪70年代以来,地球物理反演方法已走向成熟,这些方法包括地震走时反演与波场反演、层析成像反演、线性化迭代反演、仿真淬火法反演、遗传算法及联合反演方法等。

    The geophysical inversion methods have been mature since 1970s . These methods include the travel-time inversion and seismic tomography , the waveform inversion and linearized iteration method , the simulated annealing , the genetic algorithms and joint inversion methods .

  20. 作为一种通用的反演新思路,不但适用于大地电磁测深,还可以把该反演技术应用到其它各种地球物理反演问题中。华北中部岩石圈电性结构应县商河剖面大地电磁测深研究

    As a new common in-version idea , it is not only suitable to MT sounding data inversion , but also can be appliable to other geo-physical inversion problems . Conductivity Structure of Lithosphere in Central North China : Magnetotelluric Study of Yingxian-Shanghe profile

  21. 地球物理线性反演评价准则及分辨力问题的研究

    A Study of Estimating Criterion and Resolution of Geophysical Linear Inversion

  22. 基于NOAA/AVHRR的地表地球物理参数反演方法研究与应用

    Studies and Applications of Land Surface Parameters Retrieval with NOAA / AVHRR Data

  23. 适用于不均匀介质的地球物理联合反演。

    It also proved to be available for integration inversion in inhomogeneous medium .

  24. 地球物理联合反演研究综述

    A review of the researches for geophysical combinative inversion

  25. 与此同时高分辨率层序地层分析与地球物理地层反演技术、属性提取技术、储层特征重构反演等技术相结合,完成储层分布的综合预测。

    At the same time , we completed the comprehensive prediction of distribution of reservoir using the combination of analysis high resolution sequence stratigraphy and many geophysical technologies .

  26. 在地球物理波动方程反演层析成像的诸方法中,典型的算法是地球物理衍射CT和迭代逆散射层析成像方法。

    Geophysical diffraction tomography and iterative inverse scattering tomog - raphy are typical of tomography methods for geophysical wave equation inver - sion .

  27. 一种基于数据融合的地球物理数据联合反演方法&以VES和MT为例

    A geophysical integration inversion method based on data fusion

  28. 本研究为我们了解这个地区的基础地质情况,岩石物性和随后进行的黄海海域典型剖面的地球物理物性反演工作以及地质模型的建立,打下重要基础。

    These research results will be the basement of geophysical inversion and setting of geological model for Yellow Sea area .

  29. 结论随着高分辨率重磁界面识别技术的不断提高,该项探索性研究成果有望推进综合地球物理联合建模反演技术的发展。

    Conclusion With the increasing improvement of recognition technique for high resolution gravity , magnetic interfaces , it is possible to use the explored result boosting the development of overall geophysical combined modeling inversion .

  30. 这种将位场解析延拓的确定信号分析法与主成份分析的随机信号分析法有机联合,为解决地球物理位场反演问题提供了一种途径。

    Such organic combination of the determined signal analytical method for potential field analytical continuation with the stochastic signal analytical method for principal component analysis provides a new channel for the inversion of geophysical potential field .