- Lot;reach;stretch;a section of an area;sector (or section) of an area;a sector of an area

[sector (or section) of an area] 指地面上的一段
Greatly small website went , include a person to enrage relatively the Shanghai hot line of flourishing , what information is intermediary more is false offer , individual information cannot satisfy a sector of an area to ask commonly .
It 's known as the most dangerous part of the city .
The accident happened on a notorious black spot on the A43 .
That part of Castle Walk is not thickly vegetated .
At the end of the other arm of Cardigan Bay is Bardsey Island .
It was one of the City 's prime sites , near the Stock Exchange .
The selection of pupils for grammar schools was biased in favour of the middle-class child of a small family from a good area
Norvelle , whose catchphrase is ' Chase Me ' , asked magistrates not to ban him after he admitted doing 83mph in a 50mph zone .
The Hotel has two strikes against it . One , it 's an immense ugly concrete building . Second , it lies in a rather awkward position
There is a sharp curve in the road .
The location is exceptionally poor , viewed from the sanitation point .
And part of the river 's ugly and many of the bridges are .
Delineating permissive ore-finding area and preferable ore-finding area by gis : an example from the prediction of copper deposits in Yuanjiang area , Yunnan Province
Meanwhile the bottle-neck ' section along Zhong-Lo pipeline is determined by the greatest K ' value , which is lowest in temperature and greatest in friction .
The study of ore-bearing structures and hydrothermal alterations in the model sections on TM images is an effectively instructive tool for the gold mineral ex -
Macroinvertebrate samples following treatment were analyzed during summer 1999 . We believe that colonization of the restored segment of Bell Run will be rapid given the proximity of unimpacted tributaries in the watershed .
At the small scale , micro EI are deigned to deliver the ecological services from the regional EI into the urban fabric .
Four empiric formulas and the relevant figures in this paper favour AVO analysis , lithology regularity recognition in multiwave exploration , and the discovery of hydrocarbon accumulation area .
RBD is often a symbol of urban lots and a halo effect area , is a window for the outsiders to understand the city .
Hydrothermal processes at seafloor spreading centers are of great importance to base metal mineralization , and many of which have been found to be rich in associated Au or Au-Ag : Some localities can be delimited as independent gold orebody .
Finally by comparing GPS observations with the modeled results we found a residual subsidence in around Xiangxi that can be reasonably considered to be the contribution of the percolation resultant water loads in Carst region .
Primary Analysis of the Wall & rock Landslide of the Tunnels along Horizontal Layers This paper describes the collapse of surrounding rock during the construction with TBM in Qin-ling Tunnel and presents the countermeasure against it .
In this region , metallogenic condition very good and may be large scale gold ore deposit in this region , and the near EW faulted altered belt is a favorable section for hunting gold ore deposit .
Unconformities at Tianhuazhai in the east ore domain , at depth of the west ore domain , F37 and F3 and sub-faults on either sides of them are targets for further exploration .
The paper focuses on the treatment of the instable slope area at a level of 1220  ̄ 1180 m on No 1 Section .
The results indicate that the layer in the more steep slope area is not good for stability , and the sliding interface might occur in 9  ̄ 12 5 m depth under the sea bottom .
During the power-house foundation of the Three Gorges projet , a 40 ~ 80 m high steep slope will be formed on downstream side of the damtoe rock monolith where large low dip angle joints constitute potential sliding surface of the dam foundation .
Especially in the construction of double-track electrified railway with the minimum pitch of 4m and the minimum radius circle of R-400m or erection in the tunnel inlet , only with some special measures , can the domestic mechanical paving operation be smoothly taken .
Located in the middle of the canyon area in DaDu River DaGang Mountain power station also meet similar engineering problems , left the foundation surface ( EL1135-1040m ) acoustic detection already excavation single-drillhole acoustic wave abnormity is low .
She has to live in a not very savory district .