
  • 网络groundwater source field
  1. 地下水水源地污染分析及可持续利用对策

    Analysis of ground water pollution and its sustainable strategy

  2. 银川地区水文地质条件分析及地下水水源地保护区划分

    Analysis of Hydrogeology Condition and the Wellhead Protection Zoning Division in Yinchuan Area

  3. 地下水水源地保护区划分方法研究综述

    Summary of research on the method of partition of the groundwater wellhead protection zone

  4. 傍河型地下水水源地论证

    Demonstration on Groundwater Resource Area along River

  5. 在此基础上,提出了银川市地下水水源地的保护措施。

    Based on this result , water source protection measurements were brought forward in Yinchuan city .

  6. 频谱分析法在兰州市地下水水源地水情预报中的应用

    Application of analysis by frequency spectrum in regime prediction of groundwater source area in Lanzhou , gansu

  7. 建立城市地下水水源地特别保护区,实行水源地卫生防护制度;

    Set up the protect region of city ground water source and carry out sanitation system of water source protection ;

  8. 为提高数学模型的精度,增进对傍河地下水水源地的认识,减小因模型参数的不确定性带来的误差,需要对数学模型的参数进行灵敏度分析。

    Sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the mathematical model should be carried out in order to improve the precision of the model , to further the understanding of hydrogeological conditions of riverside well field and to decrease the errors generated by the uncertainty of parameters .

  9. 北京顺义区地下水饮用水源地安全评价

    Safety assessment of underground drinking water sources in Shunyi district of Beijing

  10. 中国城市地下水饮用水源地水质状况评价

    Groundwater quality assessment of urban drinking water sources in China

  11. 华北主要城市地下水应急水源地供水前景分析

    Analysis on the Water Supply Prospect of the Emergency Water Source in the Major Cities of North China

  12. 基本完成城市污水排除与处理系统建设,取消地下水饮用水源地防护区范围内的污水渗井、渗坑。

    Development of the sewerage collection and treatment system will be basically accomplished and sewerage percolation pits in the protection zone of ground drinking water sources will all been eliminated .

  13. 饮用水水源地是指能够满足人类饮用的,地表水水源和地下水水源的涵养地或者源头地区,包括集中式饮用水源地和供应自来水的自备水厂取水口所在的供水水源地。

    The drinking water sources is conversation land or the place where the surface and ground water comes from , which concludes centralistic drinking water sources and supply of tap water .

  14. 南昌市地下水特征及其应急水源地分析

    The ground water characteristics and its emergency water source in Nanchang

  15. 山西省的饮用水水源主要以地下水资源为主,水源地多分布在盆地。

    The drinking water sources in Shanxi province mainly means groundwater resources which located in the basin .

  16. 油类污染过程中地下水地球化学环境的变化&以山东省淄博市某地下水水源地为例

    Hydrogeochemical change induced by oil sewage leakage ── a case of the groundwater source in Zibo city , Shandong Province , China

  17. 从黄河下游河段的地质结构、岩性组成、河水补给地下水条件等各个方面论证了黄河下游河南省地段地下水资源的开发潜力及兴建大型傍河地下水水源地的可行性。

    This paper presents feasibility studies on the potential groundwater development and large scale of the groundwater exploitation along the lower course of the Yellow River in Henan section by analysis of geological structures , lithology and the groundwater recharge from the river etc.