
  • 网络St. Petersburg;St Petersburg;Saint Petersburg
  1. 连接莫斯科与圣彼得斯堡的高速公路发生严重交通堵塞,致使数千辆卡车和小型汽车困在高速公路上。

    In Russia , thousands of trucks and cars are caught in a huge traffic jam on the highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg .

  2. 冬季进圣彼得斯堡港的几点体会

    Personal Understanding of Experiences in Entering the Port or St. Petersburg in Winter

  3. 可是,一些中等规模的城市比如圣路易斯、罗契斯特市、佛罗里达州的圣彼得斯堡市纷纷涌现出来,成为区域性的热门旅游城市。

    However , medium-size cities like St. Louis , Rochester and , in Florida , St. Petersburg are emerging as regional destinations .

  4. 在那些日子里,我从来没有一个家,或是像汤姆和圣彼得斯堡所有其他的男孩那样去上学。

    In those days I never had a home or went to school like Tom and all the other boys in St Petersburg .