
tǔ liú
  • earthflow;solifluxion
土流[tǔ liú]
  1. 阴离子分散剂对酸化膨润土流变性的影响阳离子聚丙烯酰胺/膨润土体系的助留助滤性能

    Retention and Drainage Aid Effect of Cationic Polyacrylamide / Bentonite System

  2. 黄土高原黄土土流与坡度关系的研究

    The relationship between the loess flow and slope angle in the loess plateau

  3. 降雨条件下非饱和土边坡流固耦合数值模拟

    Coupled Fluid-solid Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Soil Slope Under Rainfall

  4. 我国基础设施建设制度的建构原则清代改土归流成因分析

    Principle Analysis of System Reform in China 's Infrastructure Construction

  5. 七年,黑峪土司改土归流,西固辖。

    Seven years , black soil to the stream valley toast , Xigu jurisdiction .

  6. 生物洞穴影响的黄河口粉质土优势流及其效应研究

    Study on preferential flow and effect on silt by simulative burrows in Yellow River Estuary

  7. 改土归流后土家族婚俗中的宗法性因素

    On the Religious Elements of the Marriage Customs of Tujia Nationality after Being Reformed and Conformed

  8. 改土归流前,土家族的婚姻较为自由。

    Before being reformed and conformeded , the marriage of the Tujia Nationality was quite free .

  9. 清代改土归流后土家族地区的移民及其社会影响

    The Immigrant and the Social Impact after the Management System Reform in Tujia Area in the Qing Dynasty

  10. 虽然这一时期,改土归流已经开始出现,但规模并不大。

    In this period " Gai Tu Gui Liu " was already implemented , but the scale was not very wide .

  11. 第五部分结论,主要论述明代改土归流的意义和影响。

    In the fifth part ⅰ will discuss the significance and impact of " Gai Tu Gui Liu " in the Ming Dynasty .

  12. 进一步推行的改土归流和清查土地等政策,使得贵州地区从此开始了被快速开发的过程。

    The development of Guizhou was pushed by policies such as the bureaucratization of native officers , the investigation of land and so on .

  13. 清朝改土归流以后,受封建礼教和汉文化的影响,传统的土家族自由婚姻演变为许多新的婚姻习俗。

    Since Tujia clan came under the ruling of Han officials , Tujia people 's free marriage has involved into many new marriage customs .

  14. 本文将重点考证打喇土司的起源、变迁历程以及改土归流等诸多历史事实,向世人展示打喇土司的基本面貌。

    This paper lays much emphasis on the historical facts like the origin and vicissitudes of the Dala chieftain , and presents the true color of the Dala chieftain to the earthlings .

  15. 自从17世纪以来,云南内地傣族地区经过清朝的改土归流以后,封建地主制经济不断兴起。

    Since 17th century , the economic formation of feudal landlord of Yunnan inland Dai had held a leading role after the reform of formal officers replacing national headmen of the Qing Dynasty .

  16. 18世纪以来,土家族的居住饮食文化有三次大变迁:改土归流;

    Since 18th century , there has been three great shifts in Tujia Nationality ′ s dwelling , drinking and eating culture : the replacement of hereditary local chieftains with nonhereditary appointees from the central government ;

  17. 清政府为了加强对云南的控制,除了对云南地区进行改土归流、发展云南经济,还大力发展云南的文化教育事业。兴办义学就是其中的一个重要举措。

    In order to strengthen control in Yunnan , in addition to bureaucratization of native officers , the Qing government promoted to develop culture , education and economy . Setting up free schools was one of the important means .

  18. 蒙古族土司鲁氏家族是西北地区著名的土司家族,从明初归附到民国改土归流维系了五百多年的历史。对西北区域的政治、经济、文化等方面产生过重大的影响。

    Mongol chieftain Lu family was very famous in Northwest district , it had lasted over 500 years from submitting to the government of Ming dynasty to belonging to the Republic of China and deeply influenced all parts of politics , economy and culture in the Northwest district .

  19. 第四章主要考察了辛亥革命时期云南改土归流的情况,提出了改土归流改变的只是中央政府对民族地区的统治方式,并没有改变人民受剥削受压迫的地位。

    This is the main content of Yunnan Ethnic Relations at the time . The fourth chapter mainly studies bureaucratization naturalized flow at the revolution of 1911 in Yunnan . It only changed way of the governance , but not changed the exploited and oppressed status of people .

  20. 清中叶,统治者则进一步加快了开发的步伐,通过改土归流及设置新疆六厅,将清水江流域完全纳入王朝统治,当地社会变革随之更加深入。

    In mid-Qing , the rulers were further accelerated the pace of development , They had fully integrated the whole valley by the bureaucratization of native officers and the setting up of " six Office of the New Area ", and the local social changes continued to deepen with it .

  21. 但是,土司制度本身的缺陷及统治阶级维持全国统一的需要,使改土归流随着社会条件的不断成熟,具备了施行的可能性与可行性。

    However , due to the drawbacks of chieftain system and the rulers ' need to maintain national union , gradually matured the social conditions to turn chieftain system into that of temporary bureaucrats appointed by central government , and the possibility and feasibility for the reform came into being .

  22. 非饱和土中的流-固耦合研究

    Study for fluid - solid coupling process in unsaturated soil

  23. 软土坝基塑流区的非线性有限元分析

    Non-linear finite element analysis on plastic zone of soft soil dam foundation

  24. 软土坝基塑流规律的研究

    Study on plastic flow law of soft soil dam foundation

  25. 入渗条件下层状土非稳定流排水

    Non-steady drainage of stratified soils during infiltration

  26. 笔者在考察过程中发现,反滤料的失效除了流土和接触流土外,还有滤饼堵塞、滤层击穿和滞流三种失效方式。

    The author in the process of investigation found that the failure of the filter material , except of the flowing soil and contact flow soil , contained the filter cake jams , the filter layer breakdown and " stagnation " three failure mode .

  27. 美国土保局产流模型的改进

    Improvement of runoff producing model in SCS of the United States

  28. 海堤地基软土夹层的塑流分析

    Plastic Flow Analysis of Soft Stratum Contained in Embankment Foundation

  29. 软土路基双重非线性流&固耦合仿真分析与沉降预测

    Double Non-linear Fluid-soild Coupled Simulating Analysis and Settlement Prediction for Soft Soil Subgrade

  30. 本文对美国土保局产流模型进行分析研究,发现其中存在着关键性问题必须进行改进。

    The runoff producing model in SCS of the United States is studied in this paper .