
  • 网络Soil Nutrient Elements;nutritious elements
  1. 土壤营养元素在不同土层中变化各不相同,在不同的土层会有波动,变化相当复杂。

    Soil nutrients had some complicated changes in different soil layers .

  2. 盾叶薯蓣元素组成特点及其与土壤营养元素的关系研究

    Element Composition of Dioscorea zingiberensis and Its Relation with Soil Nutrients

  3. 基于高分辨率反射光谱的土壤营养元素估算模型

    Model for estimating soil nutrient elements based on high resolution reflectance spectra

  4. 杨树混交模式土壤营养元素变化呈现规律性;

    The soil nutrient elements of different types of mixed poplar stands varied regularly ;

  5. 湖北省主要油菜种植区油菜及土壤营养元素含量状况

    Nutrient status of rape and soils in main rape productive area of Hubei Province

  6. 高原鼢鼠土丘对矮嵩草草甸植被演替及土壤营养元素的作用

    Influence of Plateau Zokor mounds on the vegetation and soil nutrients in a alpine meadow

  7. 川西茶区土壤营养元素背景值研究

    Study on nutritive elements background of soil in tea garden in the West of Sichuan

  8. 羊草人工草地不同植物种群斑块下土壤营养元素含量的分布

    The distribution of soil nutrient elements under different population patches in Aneurolepidium Chinese artificial grassland

  9. 黄土丘陵草地土壤营养元素含量迁移及分布

    The Content Movement and Distribution Characteristics of Main Soil Types Nutrient Elements in Hilly Loess Plateau

  10. 浙江湖州地区土壤营养元素分布状况和丰缺评价

    Distribution and abundance or lack assessment of soil nutrient elements in Huzhou area of Zhejiang Province

  11. 典型岩溶泉流域不同土地利用方式土壤营养元素形态及其影响因素

    Speciation of Soil Nutrient Elements and Their Controlling Factors in Different Landuses of Typical Karst Spring Watershed

  12. 而影响甜槠优势度的首要土壤营养元素为有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷。

    That influencing that of Castanopsis eyre were organic matter , total nitrogen , available nitrogen , total phosphorus .

  13. 农牧交错带土壤营养元素分布及其改善途径&以内蒙古自治区多伦县为例

    Distribution of available soil nutrients in Duolun County located in the interlaced area of agriculture and pasture and reclaimation measure

  14. 施肥和混播对云南季节性草田轮作中植物和土壤营养元素的影响

    The Effects of Mixture and Fertilization on the Forage Quanlity and Soil Nutrients of the Seasonal Rotation System in Yunnan Province

  15. 根据桉树人工林地土壤营养元素含量及土壤酶活性变化,利用灰色关联分析方法评价了桉树人工林地的土壤肥力,列出了以土壤营养元素含量及土壤酶为指标的土壤肥力水平排列顺序。

    By gray relation analysis , soil fertility was evaluated according to the nutrient contents and the enzyme activities of Eucalyptus plantation soils .

  16. 通过杨树与豆科乔、灌木树种混交以及轮作等生物措施,定量研究不同处理对土壤营养元素和林地生产力的影响。

    Through the intercropping of poplar with legume , arbors and shrubs and the rotational cropping of poplar , the effects of different treatments on the soil nutrient elements and the forest land productivity were studied quantitatively .

  17. 本文采用以空间代替时间的方法对各个恢复阶段植被群落的动态特征,包括:物种组成结构、物种多样性、种群生态位、土壤营养元素含量变化的特征进行了研究。

    On the basis of substituting space for time , communities dynamic characteristics including composition and structure , species diversity , population niche , soil nutrient content were investigated . In the meanwhile , the best community that was picked out from natural deciduous broad-leaved forest was taken as contrast .

  18. 基于地统计学和GIS的三峡库区土壤微量营养元素空间变异性研究

    Geostatistics and GIS-based Spatial Distribution of Microelements in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

  19. 根外菌丝主要是通过增加宿主植物吸收土壤中营养元素、促进植物生长、增加根系活力来促进根际土壤中PAHs的降解。

    External hyphae maybe indirectly promote the degradation of PAHs in soil by increasing the uptake of nutrient elements , stimulating the growth of host plants and enhancing root activity .

  20. 黄土高原不同人工生态林对土壤主要营养元素的影响

    Impact of Different Artificial Ecological Forests on Soil Nutrients in Loess Plateau

  21. 山东省土壤微量营养元素含量分布

    Content and distribution of trace elements in the soils of Shandong Province

  22. 土壤剖面营养元素运移的模拟研究及其装置

    Study on Nutrient Transportation in Soil Profile by Simulated Equipment and Its Prospect

  23. 土壤中营养元素对葡萄产量与品质的影响

    Influence of Nutrient Elements in Soil on the Production and Quality of Grape

  24. 吉林省大豆种植区土壤主要营养元素与大豆产量的相互关系研究

    The Corelation of Soil Nutrients in Soybean-Planting Area and the Soybean Yield in Jilin Province

  25. 不同产地土壤中营养元素对膜荚黄芪根中总黄酮、多糖含量具有一定的影响。

    The relation with growth environment and the total flavonoid and polysaccharide contents in Radix Astragali root .

  26. 植物组成特征与土壤各营养元素含量之间的相关性系数普遍偏小。

    Correlation coefficients between properties of vegetation composition and concentration of various nutrient elements in the soil tend to be lower .

  27. 相关分析表明,土壤中营养元素的年周期变化规律与叶片中营养元素的年周期变化规律之间很少存在显著相关关系。

    Statistical analysis did not show significant correlation between the content of mineral element variation in the Soil and in the leaves .

  28. 结果表明,可见光/近红外反射光谱具有快速估算土壤中营养元素含量的潜力。

    The results showed that VNIR ( visible-near infrared ) spectra of soil are potentially useful for rapid estimation of content of the nutrient elements in the soil .

  29. 菜心低富集硝酸盐营养液配方的研究人工林林下植被对土壤中营养元素的富集能力

    Studies on Nutrient Formulation of the Flowering Chinese Cabbage in Low Nitrate Accumulation ; Enrichment of Nutrients in Soil of Four Plantation Froests by Undergrowth Vegetation in Changsha Suburb

  30. 在此基础上,适当增加有机质肥和钙肥的施用量,则更有利于维持土壤主要营养元素与产量的平衡关系。

    On this basis , the appropriate increasing application amount of organic fertilizer and calcium fertilizer is more conducive to maintain the balance relationship between soil nutrient elements and production .