
  • 网络land development planning
  1. 美国面向公共交通的土地开发规划设计介绍

    Introduction to Land Developing Plan and Design Facing to Public Traffic in America

  2. 基于GIS的县级土地开发整理规划管理信息系统的建设

    Design of land arrangement and reclaim planning management information system at county level based on GIS

  3. 一种基于VB的土地开发整理规划信息系统

    Establishment of information system of programming for land with exploiture and trim based on VB

  4. 目前,TOD模式主要采用轨道交通实现引导,但轨道交通项目建设决策若不合理,会影响城市土地开发利用规划意图的实现。

    At present , TOD mode achieves guidance by using rail transit mostly , but if the decision-making on constructing rail transit is unreasonable , it will affect the realization of the plan intention of urban land utilization .

  5. 香港土地开发强度规划控制的方法及其借鉴

    Approch of Land Development Intensity Control in Hong Kong and Its Implications

  6. 广西融水县土地整理开发规划

    Land Consolidation and Exploitation Planning in Rongshui County of Guangxi

  7. 土地开发整理规划的目标体系及其确定依据

    Objective System and its Determining Basis for the Planning of Land Development and Regulation

  8. 基层土地开发整理规划及管理系统的设计与实践

    Design and practice of planning and management information system of land consolidation and rehabilitation at county level

  9. 这说明土地开发整理规划更有利于发达地区的综合环境改善。

    This shows that the land development and consolidation plan is more conducive to economic growth in developed regions .

  10. 市州级土地开发整理规划说明书编制技术探讨

    Discuss on the Editing of the Planning Manual of the Development and Arrangement of the Municipality and State Land

  11. 原因在于:土地开发整理规划的合理性受区域土地整理的目标影响较大。

    The reason is that : The rationality of land development and consolidation plan will vary with the goal of regional development .

  12. 本文通过分析土地开发整理规划环境影响评价内涵、特征,确定土地开发整理规划环境影响评价的工作程序。

    This paper analyzes the connotation and characteristics of environment impact assessment resulting from land consolidation and development , establishes its work procedure and contents .

  13. 本文进行了土地开发整理规划的环境影响识别,得出了土地开发整理规划的环境影响主要表现在对区域社会环境、经济环境、生态环境、景观格局和土地资源可持续利用这几个方面。

    The main environment impact resulting from land consolidation and development includes the impacts on social , economy , environment , and landscape pattern and land sustainable use of the study area .

  14. 以北京市延庆县为例,应用上述指标,采用规划实施前后对比法分析了土地开发整理规划对景观格局的影响。

    Applying those landscape ecology indexes landscape spatial pattern influence caused by the land development and consolidation planning of Yanqing county , Beijing city was studied by comparing landscape characteristics between those before and after planning implementation .

  15. 耕地后备资源调查评价在国土资源规划、管理、保护和合理利用方面,尤其是在县级土地开发整理规划及土地开发整理项目库建设方面有着重要的作用;

    The investigation and evaluation of arable land in reserve plays an important part in national land resources ` planning , managing , protecting and utilizing , especially the part in the counties ` land developing neatening , planning and construction of items .

  16. 最后,本文还提出耕地后备资源开发适宜性评价可能的应用方向,主要是为制定土地开发整理规划提供依据,为合理确定土地开发项目目标等别服务。

    Finally , the paper also proposed the possible application orientation for the evaluation of land potential resources , mainly for the development of land development and consolidation planning provide the basis for determining the layout of land exploitation and coordination and the reasonable objectives of land development project .

  17. 县级土地开发整理复垦规划初探

    Discussion on land arrangement and reclaim planning at county level

  18. 水库消落区土地的开发利用规划的编制

    Compilation about exploration and utilized planning of the degrading area of reservoir

  19. 土地开发整理项目规划设计变更管理初探

    The Initial Exploration of Land Development and Arrangement Project

  20. 并明确了县级土地开发整理复垦规划应在土地利用总体规划的指导和控制下,分4个阶段完成;

    The planning should be guided and controlled by the land use integrated planning ;

  21. 本文对县级土地开发整理复垦规划的概念、程序、主要内容和方法作了初步探讨。

    The paper focus on the following problems , which are the conception , main contents , as well as the some methods of land development and arrangement planning at county level .

  22. 控制性详细规划(以下简称控规)是我国现行城市规划体系中具有法定效力的规划编制层次之一,是对城市土地开发建设进行规划调控及行政管理的直接依据。

    Regulatory detailed planning is one of the planning level with legal effectiveness in the current city planning system , is direct basis of construction planning regulation and administration in urban land development .

  23. TM图像在县级土地资源调查与开发规划中的应用研究

    The Application of TM Image in Land Resource Survey and Development Programme at County Level

  24. 轨道交通线网规划完成之后,为更好地指导轨道交通沿线的土地开发和相关的规划编制,对站点周边地区的用地规划进行研究十分必要。

    Following the completion of urban rail transit network planning , it is necessary to investigate the land-use planning within areas surrounding rail transit transfer stations , so as to provide guidance for land-use development along both sides of rail transit lines .

  25. 土地利用数据库在土地开发整理规划中的应用

    The Application of Land Use Database to Land Development and Consolidation of Planning

  26. 划分土地开发整理区是开展“土地开发整理规划”的重点和核心。

    Dividing land development and consolidation area is the focal point and core in land development and consolidation planning .

  27. 文章介绍城市边缘地区土地利用的特征、有效土地开发方式和规划的方法。

    In this paper ," the periphery area " and " regional process " are defined on the basis of existing documents .

  28. 旨在构建完整的土地整理潜力评价指标体系,为土地开发整理规划以及在实施土地整理中确定土地整理重点区域和重点项目奠定基础。

    The purpose of this paper is to construct integrated index system of potential evaluation , establish the foundation for land exploitation and consolidation plans and to make determination to key region and key project during implement of land consolidation .

  29. 研究结论:进行土地开发整理项目社会影响评价方法研究,对土地开发整理项目规划和投资决策具有重要作用和实践指导价值。

    The study on SIA method in land consolidation and rehabilitation project can play important role in project planning and decision making of investment .

  30. 实现土地开发整理与生态建设相结合,改善生态环境是土地开发整理规划、设计和实施过程中的重要原则。

    It is very important to improve the ecologic environment in the land consolidation and development .