
  1. 酉阳土司文化内容丰富,表现形式多样。

    Tusi culture is reach in content with various forms .

  2. 酉阳土司文化遗产保护与开发论证

    On Protecting and Exploiting the Legacy of Tu Si Culture in Youyang

  3. 永登连城鲁土司文化旅游开发的战略构想

    Strategy Thought on Chieftain Lu Culture-oriented Travel Exploitation in Liancheng of Yongdeng

  4. 在漫长的封建社会里由于这片土地与中央政权的特殊关系,形成了独特的土司文化。

    In the long feudal society , this region enjoyed a special relationship with the central government , which has formed the special Tusi cultures .

  5. 明代木氏土司主动学习汉文化,不断扩大与内地的交往。

    From the Ming dynasty , the chieftain of Lijiang began to learn from the Han culture , and interestingly communicant with the midland .

  6. 依据民俗旅游区开发的ABP模式,通过对忻城中华土司民俗旅游区的区位及市场条件分析,提出了民俗旅游区的功能区划理念,并对忻城土司文化进行了具体的旅游产品开发设计。

    Based on A - B - P exploitation pattern of folk custom zones and the analysis of location and market , the thesis advents a conduct devise about tourism products .