
  • 网络Soil stress;stress in soil mass
  1. 针对以av、e~p法等,提出了可考虑土体应力历史影响的修正系数M1式子;

    For av e ~ p method , the modification coefficient M , from influence of soil stress history is put forward .

  2. 深基坑开挖变形及被动区土体应力分析

    Analysis on deformation and stress in passive area of the pit

  3. 支挡结构位移与土体应力相互作用研究

    Study of the Relationship of Support Structure Displacement and Earth Pressure

  4. 旁压土体应力路线及其非线性分析

    Stress Path of Soils in Pressuremeter Tests and Its Nonlinear Analysis

  5. 土体应力-应变关系转型问题分析

    Analysis of problem of pattern transition in stress-strain relations of soils

  6. 膨胀土地基原型抗拔土体应力分析

    Expansive soil body stress analysis of resisting pullout in prototype foundation

  7. 加筋土体应力变形计算的新途径

    A New APProach to Analysis of Stress and Deformation of Reinforced Earth

  8. 岩土类摩擦型材料的极限状态线限制了岩土体应力状态的变化范围。

    The allowable stress state of geomaterials is limited by critical state line .

  9. 土体应力-应变关系在土工计算中作用至关重要。

    The stress-strain relation of soil is a key to the earthwork calculation .

  10. 饱和土参数对土体应力的幅值有明显的影响;

    The parameter has a significant effect on the amplitude of hoop stress .

  11. 因此对边坡的稳定性的研究应该考虑岩土体应力应变关系随时间的变化。

    The stability studies of slope should consider the time effect of stress-strain relation .

  12. 基于三轴试样局部变形测量的土体应力应变特性研究

    Study on the Stress-strain Characteristics of Soils with Triaxial Test Based on Local Deformation Measurement

  13. 地裂缝活动对土体应力与变形影响的试验研究

    Model test study of influence of ground fissure movement on stress and deformation of soil mass

  14. 考虑主应力轴旋转对土体应力应变关系影响的一种新方法

    A new method to analyze the influence of principal stress axes rotation on the stress-strain relation of soils

  15. 其他的主要影响因素有分块开挖和基坑底部土体应力释放率。

    The other main factors are part-excavation and stress release rate of the soil of the excavation face .

  16. 采用数值方法,从土体应力路径的角度研究了土钉支护的工作性能和加固机理。

    Using the numerical method , the reinforcement mechanism of soil-nailing based on stress path analysis was studied .

  17. 结果表明,在基坑开挖过程中,基坑壁附近的土体应力状态变化显著;

    The result indicates that when the foundation pit is excavated , the soil stress state near the foundation pit wall changes obviously ;

  18. 得出车站周围土体应力、塑性区和位移的基本变化规律,并确定最优开挖方案。

    Regularities of stress , plastic region , and displacement in surrounding soil are studied and the optimal excavation method is put forward .

  19. 运用滑移线理论确定挤扩多盘桩盘下土体应力计算模式

    Defining the Calculate Model about the Soil Stress Under the Under-Reamed of the Push-Extend Multi-Under-Reamed Pile by Using the Theory of Sliding Line

  20. 然后参考次加载/超加载屈服面本构模型,考虑了超固结和结构性对于土体应力应变关系的影响,建立了适用于各向异性的结构性软粘土的本构模型;

    The influence of over consolidation and structure are considered in this model based on the theory of super / subloading yield surface concept .

  21. 其分析获得的土体应力、塑性区和位移场是按传统极限方法进行分析所无法得到的。

    However , the stress , displacement field and plastic zone of the soils can not be obtained by the traditional limit equilibrium method .

  22. 数值分析可较准确地计算岩土体应力分布,但求解安全系数存在诸多困难;

    By using numerical method , the stress distribution can be reasonably obtained , but it is not easy to obtain the factor of safety .

  23. 研究了不同注浆压力对土体应力分稚的影响:(7)研究了注浆过程中土体中任一截面处正应力与剪应力的对比关系。

    The stress distribution is studied under different serosity pressure . ( 7 ) The normal stresss and shear stresss at any section are studied .

  24. 如果土体应力超过其屈服应力,则土障将出现不可恢复的塑性应变,甚至导致破坏。

    The irreversible inelastic strains will occur as the stresses reach to critical yield surface , even result in the failure of the clay barrier .

  25. 正确掌握岩土体应力状态对隧道工程力学行为的影响是合理进行隧道设计与施工的前提。

    To master the impact of the rock stress on the tunnel mechanical behavior is the premise of the correct design and construction of the tunnel .

  26. 接着,根据试验数据分析提出了土体应力应变曲线的控制微分方程,建立了土体应力应变曲线的3参数新模型,新模型克服了双曲线模型的缺陷;

    Second , according to laboratory test data , differential control equation of soil stress-strain relationship was presented and a new 3-parameter stress-strain expression was established .

  27. 结果显示:应力路径分析方法能够很好地反应随着基坑开挖、支护工序一步步推进,土体应力不断转移叠加的力学响应过程。

    It was shown that the stress path method could effectively represent the mechanical response of soil mass in accordance with the working procedure of excavation and supporting .

  28. 在剪切试验中,非饱和黏土应力应变关系依赖于净围压和基质吸力的不同组合,基质吸力增强土体应力–应变关系的硬化特性;

    The stress-strain relationship depends on the combinational style of net normal stress and matric suction , and suction enhances the stress-strain stiffness feature during triaxial shear test .

  29. 岩土体应力状态靠近极限状态线时,岩土体塑性剪切变形越来越大,趋于破坏;

    The plastic deviatoric deformation becomes larger and larger and geomaterials tend towards to damage , when the stress state of geomaterials is close to the critical state line .

  30. 地基土的前期固结压力是判断土体应力历史的一个指标,在不同应力历史状况的土体变形分析中它也是一个重要的计算参数。

    Preconsolidation Pressure is an indication of the stress history of a soil layer , and I also an important parameter in settlement analysis dealing with soils having different stress histories .