
  • 网络Turing Machine
  1. 想想激光、图灵机的发明人,或者dna的发现者吧。

    Just think of the inventors of the laser , the Turing machine or the discoverers of DNA .

  2. 虽然ACE是基于通用图灵机的,但在一个问题上,它们却是有区别的。

    Although the ACE was based upon the idea of the Universal Turing Machine , in one way it departed from it .

  3. 基本图灵机的Petri网建模研究

    Research of Petri net model of basic Turing Machine

  4. 在图灵机上计算一类Cauchy问题任意精度的解

    Solution calculation of a type of Cauchy problem with arbitrary precision on Turing machines

  5. 他们用oracle图灵机(OTM)模型给出了图灵归约的形式定义。

    They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM ) .

  6. 由于目前己经证明布尔电路与可计算图灵机在计算能力上是相同的,所以至少从原理上,P工CC虚拟机可以实现对任何指令内容的移动代码的纯软件保护。

    For it has been proved that the computation power of Boolean circuit equals to that of Turing . So in theory , VMP can protect mobile codes which include any instructs from malicious host .

  7. 文章分析了在vonNeumann机上仿真图灵机存在的两个问题,并针对单带图灵机模型设计了一个完整的图灵机模拟系统。

    This paper analyzes two questions of simulating TM in Von Neumann machine and designs an integrated TM simulation system basing on the TM model .

  8. TSP问题是组合优化问题的一个典型代表,数学家已经证明在图灵机上无法获得其精确的最优解,它属于NP难的问题。

    TSP ( Traveling Salesman Problem ) is a classic combination optimizing problem , which has been proved as NP-hard problem that can 't be solved in Turing maching .

  9. 简述了DNA分子计算机的原理,对Adleman的DNA分子计算模型和Shapiro等的DNA分子图灵机模型进行了综述,并对生物计算机的未来发展进行了展望。

    The DNA molecular computation model of Adleman and the DNA molecular Turing machine of Shapiro et al . are also reviewed . At the end , the development of biological computers is prospected .

  10. 本文在继承前人工作的基础上,将最基本也是最重要的图灵机模型及其依据于此的计算复杂性理论的若干重要概念与思想引入到EDA中的高层次综合和逻辑综合环节中。

    By inheriting from works done by others , we introduce Turing machine model , which is of most importance to the computational complexity theory , high level synthesis and logic synthesis .

  11. 其特点是以经典信息作为密钥来加密量子消息,安全性建立在NPC问题量子图灵机(QTM)不可解基础之上。

    It uses classical key to encrypt quantum message , and its security relies on the fact that NPC problem can not be solved on quantum Turing machines .

  12. DNA计算以及P系统的计算能力都被证明是与图灵机等价的,但是DNA计算与P系统采用的并行计算模型远远优于基于现代计算机的串行计算机制。

    The computer power of DNA computation and P system has been proven to be equivalent with Turing machine . But the parallel computing mechanism which is adopted by DNA computing and P system is far superior to the serial computing system which is the basis of the traditional computer .

  13. 本文给出了用Hopfield网计算部分递归函数的构造性证明.由于部分递归函数与图灵机等价,故Hopfield网与图灵机等价。

    In this paper , the partial recursive function is constructed by Hopfield neural networks . The partial recursive function is equivalent with Turing machine , the computability of Hopfield neural networks is therefore equivalent with Turing machine .

  14. 在此基础上,通过分析通用图灵机带头移动的次数,讨论了通用图灵机上任一求解RHC的算法的复杂性。

    Secondly , we discuss the complexity any algorithm solving RHC presents by counting the moving times of the tape head on turning machine .

  15. 本文通过剖析蠕虫的行为特征,并借鉴经典的Cohen蠕虫模型,提出了一种更为完善的基于持久图灵机的蠕虫模型&SIW模型,即顺序交互蠕虫模型。

    In this paper we anatomize worms ' behavior features , and develop a computational model of worms based on persistent Turing machines using the classical Cohen model for reference . The worm model is named as the SIW ( Sequentially Interactive Worm ) model .

  16. 因为麦克洛奇和皮兹曾经受到过《可计算数》的启发,所以可以说,EDVAC间接地借鉴了图灵机的概念。

    McCulloch and Pitts had been inspired by Computable Numbers , and so in a very indirect way , the EDVAC proposal owed something to the concept of the Turing machine .

  17. JRW见到C.I.诺福科,设计累加器的电话工程师,并讨论了使用自动电话设备建造图灵机的计划,制订了简要的方案,并讨论了提交给国家物理实验室的可行性。

    JRW met C.I. Norfolk , a telephone engineer who had specialised in totalisator design and discussed with him the planning of a ' Turing Machine ' using automatic telephone equipment , Rough schematics prepared , and possibility of submitting a proposal to NPL discussed .

  18. 后来,人们就称这个数字模型为图灵机。

    Later , this model is called as the Turing machine .

  19. 这带点“图灵机”测试的感觉

    It gives the whole thing a very " Turing " feel

  20. 用图灵机描述策画过程太笨拙。

    Lisp : Turing Machines are an awkward way to describe computation .

  21. 基于扩展通用图灵机的计算机病毒传染模型

    A Computer Viruses ' Infection Model Based on an Expanded Universal Turing Machine

  22. 还没见过像那样用归纳图灵机的。

    Just haven 't seen an inductive Turing machine used like that before .

  23. 而是在于它的逻辑原理——就像图灵机。

    What mattered was the logical description , just like a Turing machine .

  24. 用图灵机计算Klein&Gordon方程

    Computing Klein & Gordon Equation on Turing machine

  25. 关于空间有界图灵机的细分非确定性

    Defining Nondeterminism in the Space Bounded Turing Machines

  26. 因为通用图灵机可以模拟任何图灵机的行为。

    For a universal Turing machine could imitate the behaviour of any Turing machine whatever .

  27. 图灵机及其构造研究

    Turing Machine and Its Construction Researching

  28. 离线图灵机与单带图灵机的计算效率分析

    An Analysis of the Difference in Computing Efficiency between Off-Line Turing Machine and Single-Tape Turing Machine

  29. 另一方面,图灵机的描述与物理无关。

    For another , the description of the Turing machines had nothing to do with physics .

  30. 图灵机设计问题的常规解法一般有多个状态和较复杂的δ映像函数。

    There are many states and complex function _ δ _ on conventional solving methods of Turing Machine .