
  • 网络library system
  1. Usecase建模在数字图书馆系统中的应用

    The Application of Use Case Model in Digital Library System

  2. 论数字图书馆系统中WEB服务器性能优化的方法

    Web server performance optimization methods in digital library system

  3. 文章概要地介绍了当前图书馆系统中常用的几种WEB数据库技术,并对这几种技术做了系统的比较分析。

    The paper discusses several WEB database technologies and makes a system comparison among these technologies .

  4. Internet电子图书馆系统的设计

    A design of Internet Electronic Library

  5. XML语言在数字化图书馆系统中的应用

    The Application of XML in Digital Library Systems

  6. 介绍了如何在数字化图书馆系统中运用XML语言的方法。

    How XML is applied to the digital library systems is introduced in this paper .

  7. 数字图书馆系统中基于Ontology的用户偏好模型

    Ontology-Based Preference Model in Digital Library

  8. UML中最重要的是Usecase建模,文章围绕高校数字图书馆系统对利用将Usecase模型分为企业模型和系统模型来建立数字图书馆系统Usecase模型做了详细的描述。

    Use Case Model is the most important model in UML . This paper discusses a particular application of using Enterprise Use Case model and System Use Case model to build Use Case model in digital library system .

  9. 从四个方面分析了RFID技术在图书馆系统中应用的利弊,指出高校图书馆引进RFID技术必须切合自身的实际情况。

    The article analyzed the advantages and the shortcomings of the RFID technology from four aspects in the library application system , pointed out that university library should introduce the RFID technology according to their own actual situation .

  10. 一个智能图书馆系统(CXQ)

    An intelligent library system ( cxq )

  11. 为了解决传统数字图书馆系统存在的问题,DLMS系统采用了如下的方案:提供了动态配置系统服务功能和数字对象管理服务以保证系统的通用性。

    DLMS utilizes the following techniques to achieve this design goal : ( 1 ) Providing dynamic configuration service and digital object management service to guarantee the universality .

  12. 图书馆系统间动态数据共享与统一接口问题探讨

    Research on Dynamic Data Sharing and Unification Interface between Library Systems

  13. 浅析三大图书馆系统的一体化趋势

    A brief analysis on the Integration trend of three library systems

  14. 这个项目将建立一个地区图书馆系统。

    The programme will set up a regional library system .

  15. 关联规则的数据挖掘在高校图书馆系统中的应用

    Application of data mining based association rule in the system of library

  16. 论城市图书馆系统与学习型城市建设

    On Urban Library System and the Constructing of Learning City

  17. 图书馆系统圈轮层次结构模型建构

    Analysis on The Circle Hierarchy model of Library System

  18. 建立在信息集成基础上的数字图书馆系统的支撑技术及其体系结构

    The Supporting Technique and its Structure of Digital Library System Based on Information Integration

  19. 医院数字图书馆系统结构研究与实践

    Study of and practice in building the system architecture of a digital hospital library

  20. 浅谈高校图书馆系统数据库的备份和恢复

    On The Backup And Recovery of Systematic Database in Libraries of Colleges and Universities

  21. 网络图书馆系统模型和实现方案

    The Model and Implementation of Net-Library System

  22. 图书馆系统是非线性反馈系统,混沌是图书馆系统的一种本质行为。

    Library system is a sort of nonlinear feedback system and chaos is its essential behavior .

  23. 无纸图书馆系统的实现技术

    Implementation of digital library system

  24. 开发中的数字图书馆系统工程&兼谈汕头大学数字图书馆建设进程

    Developing System Engineering of Digital Library & with an introduction on the construction course of digital library of Shantou University

  25. 本文针对数字图书馆系统中图像与视频检索的难点,重点讨论构建分布式多媒体数据库的关键技术。

    This paper discusses the key technology of building divisive multimedia database to solve , the problems in digital library .

  26. 提出了并行数字图书馆系统中基于结构和内容查询界面的设计方法。

    The authors propose a new design method of query interface based on structure and content in our digital library .

  27. 同时,对三者间在图书馆系统中的信息传递机制、图书馆系统信息内容的分布和交流过程进行研究。

    Then the paper analyzes the information transmission mechanism of the library system , its distribution and communication process as well .

  28. 提出建立学科核心图书馆系统的建议,阐述学科核心图书馆应具备的条件和建立方式。

    Suggests that the system of disciplinary nucleus libraries be set up and its meanings , requirements and mode are discussed .

  29. 该文根据实际情况,建立了网络图书馆系统的模型,详细阐述了它的实现原理。

    According to the reality , this article establishes the model of net-library , and depicts how to realize it in detail .

  30. 技术系统是图书馆系统的有机组成部分,技术的社会化和效用化特征决定了技术系统的建设具有其自身的特点。

    The characteristics of socialization and practicability of technology system , an organics unit of library , determines the special features of technology system construction .