
gù dìng shù jù
  • fixed data
固定数据[gù dìng shù jù]
  1. 以往网管版本升级时,数据配置是通过手工或固定数据配置脚本实现的,这两种方式在配置效率和数据准确性上都难以达到要求。

    The data configuration depended handwork or fixed data script in the past , so these all difficult to meet the requirements .

  2. 结果显示,与固定数据率方法相比,最优数据率法可以节省最多86%的能量。

    The results show that the data rate adaptation solution can achieve energy savings up to86 % comparing with the solutions that use fixed data rates .

  3. 运行时API提供了操纵平台固定数据对象的功能。

    Runtime API 's provide the functionality to manipulate the platform 's persistent data objects .

  4. 该特性在固定数据和spec基础设施中都受支持。

    This feature is supported by both hardened data and by the spec infrastructure .

  5. LotusLiveEngage部署在固定数据中心,可为系统和数据提供物理保护。

    LotusLive Engage is deployed in a hardened data center , which provides physical protection to systems and data .

  6. 不固定数据源如何使用报表设计器设计报表

    How to Use Report Designer to Design Report with Undefinite Data Source

  7. 算法具有多边形约简算法相同的优良的近似质量,并可在固定数据缓冲区空间内在线运算。

    The quality of approximation is as good as polygonal boundary reduction , and it can process the data online in a constant buffer .

  8. 文中针对固定数据速率及子信道比特率受限的情况,研究了使系统发射功率最小化的自适应比特加载问题。

    In this paper , an adaptive bit-loading algorithm to minimize the transmission power is investigated for the case of fixed data rate and restricted subcarrier bit rate .

  9. 随着通信技术在信息化建设领域的发展,集团客户接入,成为电信运营商特别是固网非主导运营商固定数据业务主要面向的用户群。

    Along with the rapid development of communication technologies in the field of informatization construction , group users accessing becomes the most important service of telecom carriers especially of those non-leading fixed telecom carriers ' data services .

  10. 全业务经营(Thewholebusiness)主要包含电信业务,是指同时经营移动、固定、数据网络,全方位开展接入服务、通信和增值业务的运营模式。

    The whole business mainly contains the telecommunication service which is refers to simultaneously managing the mobile , the fixed , the data net , carrying out the turning on service .

  11. 我的生活很温和,想PHP语言一样,没有固定的数据类型。

    My life is very mild , like PHP languages , there is no fixed data types .

  12. 所有基于字符串的数据,不管是在数据库表中固定的数据还是使用spec机制管理的数据,都可以以多种语言进行管理,并获得服务支持。

    All string-based data , whether it be data hardened in database tables or managed using the spec mechanism , can be managed in multiple languages and is supported by the services .

  13. 采用相同的固定负荷数据分别建立了线性ARX模型和局部神经网络模型并做多步预测比较;

    A linear ARX model and a local neural network model , all estimated using the same data sampled at a certain operating level , are built for comparing their multi-step prediction performance .

  14. 其次,在分析固定源数据和移动源数据特性之后,进一步明确了结合二源数据开展OD估计的优势,并深入分析了城市路网动态OD估计模型的特性。

    Then , it analyzes the characteristics of stationary source data and moving source data and the advantages of OD estimation combining two sources of data , and further provides the characteristics of time-varying OD demands model of urban road network .

  15. 在任何给定的收集中,只有有限和固定的数据量是“实时的”。

    Only a finite and fixed amount of data is " live " in any given collection .

  16. 研究中的固定样本数据可以将同一个人在残疾前后对生活的满意度进行对比。

    Panel data allows comparisons of the life-satisfaction of the same individuals before and after they become disabled .

  17. 聚类法在数据挖掘中具有很高的地位,但是很多传统方法只能对固定的数据集进行处理。

    Clustering is a kind of very important method in data mining , but the traditional clustering methods can only deal with static data .

  18. 在测试集划为固定长度数据块后,通过提高数据块之间的相关性,达到提高压缩率的目的。

    It can increase compression ratio by improving the correlation between the data block after a test set is classified as fixed-length data blocks .

  19. 这种方法拥有使用存储库中两个表格信息,来创建单个数据集的优势,不像固定的数据集技术一样。

    This method has the advantage of creating a single data set with information from two tables in the repository , unlike the nested data set technique .

  20. 而电子公证作为传统公证与现代网络的耦合,能够及时固定电子数据,降低电子商务的特殊风险。

    Electronics notarize is combination of tradition notarize and modern network . It can fix the electronics data on time , lower the special risk of the electronic commerce .

  21. 它采用一种混合模式满足定制需求:在每个表中默认保留几个固定的数据字段,但是还支持子表模式。

    For the customization requirements , it takes a hybrid pattern : several fixed data fields are reserved for each table in default , but still support the sub-table pattern .

  22. 在传统的辨识方法中,预测只能使用固定的数据确立固定的预测模型。为克服这一缺点,本文提出一种混沌时间序列的在线自适应预测方法。

    For traditional identification methods just use fixed data to establish fixed prediction mode , an online adaptive prediction method of chaotic time series is proposed to conquer the disadvantages above-mentioned .

  23. 在原始数据集上根据分析维度信息量来建立哈希函数,由于一个固定的数据集维度信息量始终不变,因此哈希函数的选取不具有随机性,从而保证了算法性能的稳定。

    The information of dimension of a fixed dataset is always same ; therefore the selection of the hash function is non-random so as to ensure the stability of the performance of the algorithm .

  24. 螺旋CT对椎弓根螺钉固定术各种数据的测量应用

    The application of data measurement before the pedicle vertebral arch fixed operation with spiral CT

  25. 本文利用固定样本组数据(PANELDATA)对基于Dirichlet模型的品牌绩效测量方法进行了实证研究,并将该方法与传统观测法进行了比较分析。

    The paper analyses brand performance measures through Dirichlet model based on the panel data .

  26. 选用SPSS13.0统计软件,行同具尸体左右侧胫骨内固定模型测量数据的配对t检验,以P0.05为有统计学意义。

    SPSS 13.0 software was used for statistical analysis , in which paired t test was performed to compare data from left and right tibial models of the same cadaver .

  27. 用户通过运行Windows操作系统的上位机来控制多个测试柜的测试操作,并能将获得的测试结果以固定格式的数据文件存放。

    The user can control the test operation for several cupboards by running the front processor in Windows operation system , and the test results can be stored with the data file of the regular form .

  28. SDO框架之中的固定构筑是数据对象容器,它由数据对象以及主要的类型成员组成。

    The anchoring construct in the SDO framework is the data object container , which consists of data objects and primitive type members .

  29. 传统的adhoc网络中,节点采用统一的固定功率进行数据的传输,功率过小会造成网络的分隔,功率过大则会造成能量的浪费以及干扰的增加。

    In the tradition Ad Hoc network , nodes transmit digitals with unification and fixed power , too small power bring on network separation while too big power result in wasting energy and increasing interference .

  30. 利用1986~2001年农村固定观察点数据,采用柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数定量模拟分析了鲁西北地区农户种植业收入的各影响因素。

    Utilizing data from the fixed observation spots at rural areas from 1986 ~ 2001 , adopting fixed quantity imitation of C-D production function , this paper analyzes various factors that influence the income of agriculture households in plant industry at Northwest part of Shandong province .