
  1. 结论该制剂质量可控,可为临床提供四黄膏的改进配方。

    Conclusion The quality was controllable , and the improvement prescription can be used in the clinic .

  2. 目的选择制备四黄膏的适宜基质并探讨其质量控制方法。

    Objective To select the optimum bases for Sihuang Gao and study the method for quality control .

  3. 结果水溶性型基质的四黄膏抑菌作用最强,最稳定,且无刺激性,制剂处方中主药均能被检测出。

    Result Sihuang Gao made of water-soluble base had a strong antibacterial activity and stable quality , and it was proved no irritation , the contents of active component could be detected by TLC .