
  • 网络4WD;four wheel drive;SUV
  1. 但是这样的事情是不会发生在装备有ABS的四驱车上。

    This is not supposed to happen with a car equipped with four-wheels ABS .

  2. 在四驱车的EMP炮充能完毕的时候,电脑对抗能力大约充能到一半左右,不过没关系。

    The Master Computer Countermeasures ability will only be about half way done recharging after the Raider Buggies EMP is ready again , but that is fine .

  3. 你可以使用EMP,然后让四驱车死掉,或者让它们逃跑然后等电脑对抗能力充好能后再重复上面的做法。

    You can always just re-EMP and leave the Raider Buggy to die , or just flee with it and re-use the EMP when Master Computer Countermeasures is ready again .

  4. 四驱车需备有良好的配备和绞车。

    Enhanced off road equipment is required . A winch is desirable .

  5. 每年冬天,他都会驾驶这辆四驱车去他在法国阿尔卑斯山的冬季别墅。

    Each winter , he takes the four-wheel-drive vehicle to his winter home in the French Alps .

  6. 蜂巢和吞食者:用吞食者对付蝎子和四驱车。

    Buzzer Hives and Devourer Tanks : Use the Devourer Tanks to deal with Scorpion Tanks and Raider Buggies .

  7. 爸爸回来了,我们请教了爸爸,爸爸将这辆四驱车拼好了,啊!

    Dad came back , we asked a daddy , daddy will the raider buggies spell well , ah !

  8. 然而就在昨夜,一整队的四驱车和轻型小货车开着微弱的头灯穿越在崎岖的山路上。

    But last night a whole convoy of four-wheel-drive vehicles and pick-up trucks was negotiating the climb with dimmed headlights .

  9. 它们将会迫使你的对手转向制造摩托和四驱车,而这两者都很容易被支援的搜索者干掉。

    They will force your opponent to switch over to Bikes and Buggies , which are easy to kill with some Seeker support .

  10. 这次乌龙事件造成他的达契亚达斯丁四驱车被卡在了市中心老佛爷地铁站的楼梯上。

    The bizarre blunder led to his 4x4 Ducia Dustin getting stuck on the steps leading down to the Chaussee d'Antin-Lafayette stop , in the centre of the capital .

  11. 否则,这个生产迅驰捷豹和无所不能及的四驱车厂家将被迫减少投资,削减向供应商提出的订单。这一来,英国汽车制造业也将残喘一息。

    Otherwise , the builder of swift Jaguars and go-anywhere four-by-fours could be forced to slash investments and orders from suppliers , driving British car manufacturing to a lingering death .

  12. 按照摩尔的计划,扑杀人员会开着直升机、驾驶四驱车“追杀”野驼大军。政府将向参与扑杀的个人和组织奖励碳信用额。

    Under Mr Moore 's plan , which will see the government awarding carbon credits to individuals and organisations involved in the cull , camels will be shot from helicopters or four-wheel-drive vehicles .

  13. 在同样情况下,四驱轮车就可以顺利的转向路侧,因为车轮没有被抱死。

    In a similar case you would be able to turn aside because the wheels wouldn 't be locked .