- tetrahedral hybridization

In our country , poplar ( populus ) of planting throughout the country , is timber , shelterbelts and afforestation major forest tree species .
Walnut is the most widespread tree in genus walnut ( Juglans ) of walnut family ( Juglandaceas ) . It is a kind of woody and grain plant which mainly produces kernels and itis also an important plant for economics , commercial timber and greening .
Survey and Analysis of Turning the Four sides Green in Zhongshan City
Cutting techniques for greening trees
Survey samples are set up by using typical methods of3-rank and1-rank sampling to survey the turning the " four sides " green of townships and villages in Zhongshan City .
According to the practice of new countryside construction in the south of Jiangxi , the principles and methods of selecting species to afforest " four sides " and to develop industrialization are put forward .