
  1. 岫岩玉,是中国传统四大名玉之一。

    Xiuyan Jade , is one of the four most famous kinds of jade in China .

  2. 独山玉质优物美,曾是历史上四大名玉之一,开发利用历史悠久,约有7000多年的历史。

    Being one of the most famous jade , Dushan jade has a long utilization history for about 7000 years .

  3. 而作为我国四大名玉之一的独山玉雕更是名满华夏、声播海外,在中国玉雕史上占有重要的地位。

    Dushan jade from Nanyang is one of the four famous jade recorded in the history book of our county .

  4. 独山玉利用历史悠久,是中国四大名玉之一,其矿物组成复杂。

    Being one of the most famous jade in China , Dushan jade has a long utilization history , and its mineral compositions are complex .

  5. 而在南阳市北三公里的独山脚下,古代仙人就曾开采出了中国四大名玉之一的南阳独山玉。

    Nanyang City in North Dushan three miles at the foot of the ancient fairy had four out of the Chinese mining-one of the Nanyang Dushan Jade .