
  • 网络betel nut;betel-nut chewing
  1. 牙根纵裂与嚼槟榔习惯的关系

    Relationship between vertical root fracture and the habits of chewing betel nut

  2. 酒为傣族人民所嗜爱,嚼槟榔的习惯也很普遍。

    Dai wine for the people of the Anopheles love , the habit of chewing betel nut are also common .

  3. 喝了几杯啤酒就想嚼槟榔。

    After a couple of beers you Jones for a betelnut .

  4. 布朗太太:那些人是在嚼槟榔吗?

    Mrs. Brown : Are those people chewing areca ?

  5. 嚼槟榔致口腔粘膜下纤维性变与微量元素关系的研究

    The study on the relationship between oral submucous fibrosis induced by chewing areca and trace elements

  6. 这可能和许多人在国中、高中时期就开始抽菸、喝酒、嚼槟榔有关。

    This may the fact that many people begin smoking cigarettes and chewing betelnut in junior and senior high school .

  7. 饮食以粮食和水果、蔬菜为主,而嚼槟榔是黎族人的一种嗜好。

    Diet is mainly use grain , fruits and vegetables , and chewing betel nut is a hobby of the Li people .

  8. 台客在过去已经跟嚼槟榔,穿著拖鞋,戴著草帽的低下农民和穿著不入流的流氓,但现在已经延续了过去及过去的流行。

    Taike in the past , had been linked to images of betel-nut chewing , sandal-shod , palm-leaf hat wearing low-class farmers and ill-dressed gangsters , but now it is being extended past that and past the latest hip fashion .

  9. 小儿脑性瘫痪与孕妇嚼食槟榔的相关性研究

    The study of relationship between chewing areca and cerebral palsy

  10. 清代台湾嚼食槟榔习俗探析

    Analysis on the Custom of Chewing Areca in Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty

  11. 台湾嚼食槟榔的文化习俗源于明清。

    The practice of chewing areca in Taiwan was originated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  12. 从流行病学研究指出,口腔癌的发生与嚼食槟榔有密切关系。

    Numerous epidemiological studies have found and association between the incidence of oral cancers and betel nut chewing .

  13. 亚洲国家具嚼食槟榔的习惯,所以被认为是导致口腔癌得最主要原因。

    In many Asia cultures chewing areca is known to be a strong risk factor for developing oral cancer .

  14. 湘潭市中小学生嚼食槟榔行为的认知因素探讨及干预研究

    A Study of Cognitive Determinants and Effectiveness of Interventions for Areca Quid Chewing Behavior among Primary and Middle School Students in Xiangtan Hunan

  15. 以嚼食槟榔有无进行牙周病盛行率分析,有嚼食槟榔的个案与无嚼食槟榔个案比较,约高出14.3%。

    The prevalence rate of PD in subjects with betel quids chewing was statistically higher than that in subjects without betel quids chewing by14.3 % .

  16. 他叫她弥欧姆(Nyomo),是个胖女人,四肢健壮,微跛,牙齿因嚼食槟榔而染成红色。

    Nyomo , as he calls her , is big and plump with a stiff-hip limp and teeth stained red by chewing on betel nut tobacco .

  17. 清代大陆移民进入台湾,嚼食槟榔渐成时尚,种植槟榔以获利已成为农家经济的一部分。

    After the inpour of immigrants from the mainland in the Qing Dynasty , chewing areca was gradually fashionable , and planting areca became a part of its agricultural economy too .

  18. 结论嚼食干果制槟榔与小儿脑性瘫痪具有相关性,易导致早产、出生低体重,孕妇应慎食。

    Conclusion : The relationship between chewing areca and CP was obviously , chewing areca during the pregnancy leads to premature-birth and low-birth-weigh , we would like encourage no chewing areca .

  19. 如果你愿意尝尝的话,要先咬掉或者剪掉槟榔壳,然后像嚼口香糖一样咀嚼槟榔。别咽下去,而且一定要把槟榔汁吐出来,要不然你的胃可能会不舒服。

    If you try it , bite or clip off the rind of the nut , then chew it like gum & don 't swallow it and be sure to spit out the juice , otherwise you 're likely to get sick to your stomach .