- 名words or act meant to amuse or to excite laughter;tricks meant to deceive
- 形funny;amusing;comical

(1) [hokum]∶滑稽,也指滑稽的话或举动
(2) [trick]∶花招;鬼点子
(1) 〈方〉
(2) [words or act meant to amuse or to excite laughter]∶笑料
(3) [tricks meant to deceive]∶花招
(4) [funny]∶滑稽
The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt .
The campaign was gimmicky , but it had a serious side to it .
It was all a publicity stunt .
The tax cut is widely disparaged by senators from both parties as a budget gimmick .
Her latest disappearing act may be no more than a stunt , or a smart career move .
In a bold promotional stunt for the movie , he smashed his car into a passing truck .
Don 't try any tricks ! or none of your tricks !
That clown is full of amusing tricks .
Financial institutions are also often expected yield of gimmicks .
Some TV technologies like 3-D have turned out to be gimmicks .
The lightweight buzzword graces containers like Spring and Pico .
First , it brings novelty . The show is filled with high-tech gimmickry , led by a dazzling effect that allows our hero to stroll through a 3-D version of his own imaginings .
Chinese companies nearing an IPO have a tendency to make the most of their regulator-imposed silent periods by issuing many public announcements and staging PR stunts .
Chinese companies nearing an IPO have a tendency to make the most of their regulator-imposed " silent periods " by issuing many public announcements and staging PR stunts .
The canned-air idea is hardly unique to Henan : Rags-to-riches Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao , known for his splashy publicity stunts , including his past efforts to woo the owners of the New York Times , began selling such cans in 2012 .
The gamification of digital engagement fiercely rode the hype cycle since the term burst into mainstream usage in 2011 , but according to recent figures , gamification as a business strategy in 2014 is essentially , well , game over .
It is matched only by his P T Barnum-like ability to generate ex citement - generally through silly stunts - around the businesses he backs .
Over the years the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a couple of tongue-in-cheek " zombie warnings , " which really are just disaster-preparedness stunts .
In a television show or radio program , a controversial or exciting segment designed to get people talking about the show is called " watercooler moment " .
Aside from its own twin cameras , LG 's effort has the overarching gimmick of being the first modular mobile phone .
IBM tried an altogether different stunt in 2011 , when Watson - a computer named after its founder - took on the best human champions in the US TV quiz show Jeopardy .
Particularly concerning , experts say , is the explosion of beverages marketed specifically for their high levels of antioxidants , like Vitaminwater , POM Wonderful , Naked Juice and many others .
SOA hasn 't failed , what has failed is the next generation lipstick on the pig , buy my technology it will save your problems , do a big project it will fix everything style of IT that has always failed .
David Cameron , never to be outdone when it comes to a gimmick , has asked the UK Office for national statistics to investigate the area and the first results are now available .
But so has the online market overall , according to Macquarie , suggesting little share gain in spite of extreme , and expensive , price war stunts that have hurt everyone .
The point of the feature , which I initially had pegged as a gimmick , is to eliminate the need to use two hands to manipulate the larger device . In testing , I came to appreciate it , especially on the larger iPhone 6 Plus .
The idea of voting by SMS may seem like a PR stunt dreamed up by the reality TV industry , but one town in Switzerland has decided that text messaging can be used to settle a real election .
The clip has since gone viral on YouTube but there is a strong suggestion it could be a publicity stunt , not in the least because the mall train bears the advertising message ' not so sweet ' .
He was part of the Splash Bros , he was big on God , he had family ties to the NBA and a brother who was on the come up . He was a marketing and media dream for the NBA and the news outlets .
It touts it as a " Vanilla Android " experience , perhaps the first time in the history of blinking , buzzing consumer electronics in which " plain " was equated with " preferred . " The result , it says , is a faster ,