
  • 网络Noise Function
  1. 在FPGA可编程硬件平台上设计实现了基于珀林噪声函数的过程性纹理生成算法。

    In this paper , a procedural texture mapping method based on Perlin noise function is designed and implemented on an FPGA programmable board .

  2. 基于Perlin噪声函数的3维地形可视化研究

    Research on Three-dimensional Terrain Visualization Based on Perlin Noise Function

  3. 在前期Perlin噪声函数生成的CellularTexture的基础上,运用GPU编程技术,提出了三维过程纹理的构造方法。

    This paper use GPU programming to propose a construction method of three-dimensional procedural texture , such as Cellular Texture , which is the following formation of Perlin noise function .

  4. 大多数的过程纹理都是基于某类噪声函数的,本文采用的被广泛应用的Perlin噪声函数是其中最强大的一种。

    Most of the procedural texture functions are based on certain types of noise . Perlin noise used in this paper is the most powerful one , which is widely used .

  5. 深入探讨了过程纹理的数学模型,特别是Perlin噪声函数,同时分析和研究了分形函数、三维噪声函数、湍流函数、木纹函数,以及粒子系统等过程纹理函数的数学模型。

    We also analysed and studied other mathematical model , such as the fractal function , the mathematical model of three-dimensional noise function , the turbulence function , the grain function , and particle systems .

  6. 为了实现动态逼真的且占据空间尽量小的纹理,Perlin等人提出了利用噪声函数来模拟空间纹理,从而开启了过程纹理技术研究的先河。

    In order to achieve the texture as dynamic realistic and occupy space as small as possible , Perlin noise functions opened the first of its kind of procedural texture technology to simulate the nature texture .

  7. 文中采用了一种新的珀林(Perlin)噪声函数,以充分应用硬件电路的结构特点,耗费较少的硬件资源,达到各种运算单元(如加法和乘法)模块的组合和高度复用。

    In the paper , a novel Perlin noise function is adopted , targeting to the circuit structure with low cost of hardware resources , and the arithmetic units such as addition and multiplication modules are highly reused in the circuit design .

  8. 一个噪声函数基本上是一个种子随机发生器。

    A noise function is essentially a seeded random number generator .

  9. 记住这只是几个插值的噪声函数叠加在一起。

    Remember that it 's just several Interpolated Noise functions added together .

  10. 每个你所叠加的噪声函数就是一个倍频。

    Each successive noise function you add is known as an octave .

  11. 基于噪声函数描述颜色纹理的方法

    A Method of Describing Color Texture with Noise Function

  12. 噪声函数在实时云彩仿真中的应用

    The Application of Noise Function in Real-time Cloud Simulation

  13. 噪声函数在木纹纹理中的应用

    Application of noise functions to the wood texture

  14. 模2~n加整体逼近模2加产生的噪声函数的概率分布研究

    Research on the Noise Functions Produced by Macrocosm Approximation of XOR with Addition Modulo 2 ~ n

  15. 因为每一个噪声函数是上一个的两倍频率。

    The reason for this is that each noise function is twice the frequency of the previous one .

  16. 柏林噪声函数通过直接添加一定范围内,不同比例的噪声函数来重现这种现象。

    The Perlin Noise function recreates this by simply adding up noisy functions at a range of different scales .

  17. 例如,每次你传入一个相同的数到噪声函数里,它将每次也返回相同的随机数。

    I.e.every time you pass the same number to the noise function , it will respond with the same number .

  18. 为了创建一个柏林噪声函数,我们需要两个东西,一个噪声函数和一个插值函数。

    To create a Perlin noise function , you will need two things , a Noise Function , and an Interpolation Function .

  19. 为此引入三维纹理技术,提出基于噪声函数描述颜色纹理的方法。

    To overcome the shortcomings , the skill of 3D texture mapping is introduced and the method of using noise function to describe color texture is proposed .

  20. 用噪声函数模拟出空间云朵的形状,结合蓝天、太阳光及其光晕效果、天空穹庐形状等,模拟出了蓝天白云效果图。

    Using noise functions to simulate the shape of space clouds , combined with the blue sky , the sun and the halo effect , the sky blue canopy shape , we have simulated the effect picture of blue sky and white clouds .

  21. 高维ARCH(q)模型噪声密度函数的估计

    Estimation of noise 's density function in multivariate ARCH ( q ) model

  22. 动态定位有色噪声影响函数&以一阶AR模型为例

    Influence Functions of Colored Noises on Kinematic Positioning & Taking the AR Model of First Class As an Example

  23. 提出了一种基于小波子带的内容,利用Watson量化矩阵和噪声可见性函数对水印的嵌入功率进行自适应限定的水印容量分析方法。

    This paper presents a watermarking capacity analysis method based on the content of wavelet subbands by using Watson quantization matrix and noise visibility function ( NVF ) .

  24. 设计了噪声传递函数NTF,并对其进行了优化。

    Furthermore , the noise transfer function ( NTF ) is designed and optimized .

  25. 仿真结果表明,调制器的分辨率主要由噪声传递函数NTF的零极点分布特性决定,本文提出的设计方法是可行的。

    The results show that the revolution of the regulator depends on the zero - pole distribution property of the NTF .

  26. 模型基于噪声可见性函数(NVF)的计算来决定水印嵌入强度,使水印更多的嵌入到图像的纹理和边缘区域。

    The HVS model is based on the computation of the noise visibility function ( NVF ) and embed at the texture and edge region stronger embedded watermarks .

  27. 其次,介绍了独立分量分析(ICA)和噪声可见性函数(NVF),在此基础上提出了一种基于噪声可见性函数和独立分量分析的数字密写算法。

    Secondly , the independent component analysis ( ICA ) and the noise visibility function ( NVF ) are introduced . So a algorithm based on noise visibility function and the independent component analysis of steganography was proposed .

  28. 结合人眼视觉特征,采用非线性的嵌入规则,根据噪声可见函数NVF值自适应的调整嵌入强度,在容噪能力强的系数上嵌入多位隐密信息。

    In conjunction with the visual characteristics , we may adopt nonlinear embedding rules . Noise can be seen under the NVF function adaptive value adjustments embedded strength , Yung-noise capability of the coefficient on the number of hidden information embedded .

  29. 算法中引入了基于噪声可见函数(NVF)的感知模型来描述图像的局部特征,并根据此模型决定水印信息的嵌入深度。

    A perceptual model based on the computation of NVF ( noise visibility function ) is exploited in the proposed watermarking scheme . The characteristics of the original image are shown by using the NVF , and the embedding depth is decided by the model .

  30. 推导出了声参数变化时的信噪比增益与结构噪声相关函数的关系。

    The relation between the signal-to-noise enhancement and the correlation function of the structure noise for varying acoustic parameters have been deduced .