
  • 网络Organempfindungen
  1. 生殖器官感觉神经来源的实验形态学研究

    The Effect of Morphology on the Nerve Source About Genital Organs

  2. 育教学中感觉是最简单的心理过程,它反映了外界事物或人体内部的机体感觉、平衡器官感觉、运动感觉等。

    Sense and conciousness is the most simple mental process in physical education . It 's the response to the outside world and the inside of the body , such as balancing organ , motion organ , etc , It 's the response of the whole objective reality .

  3. 通感是一种特殊的隐喻,是指各个感受器官的感觉彼此交错相通。

    Synaesthesia , as a special kind of metaphor , is the link of senses .

  4. 提高人的内脏器官、感觉器官、神经中枢功能。肝脏及其相关脏器在肝炎后肝硬化中的时间-密度曲线研究

    It can improve the function of inner organs , sense organ and the nerve center of the human body . The TDCs Study of Related Organs During Viral Induced Cirrhosis

  5. 对中国沿海常见蓝子鱼科鱼类的外部形态、呼吸器官、感觉器官、消化器官、骨骼系统等形态特征进行了比较研究。

    The study was focused on the comparison of the morphological characters , including the body shapes , respiratory and sense organs , digestive system and osteological feathers of Chinese siganids .