
  • 网络beaked whale
  1. 东海发现的贝氏喙鲸

    A baird 's beaked whale from the East China Sea

  2. 安装在滑翔器底端的麦克风可以捕捉到所有种类的鲸鱼叫声。包括由喙鲸发出的高频率叫声,在此之前一直都难以探测。

    A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales , including the high frequency call of the beaked whale , which until now has been difficult to detect .

  3. 埃克塞特大学讲授海洋生物和全球变化的一位高级讲师StephenD.Simpson博士向每日邮报指出:“这看上去像是柏氏中喙鲸中的一只有喙的雄鲸。”

    Dr Stephen D. Simpson , a senior lecturer in Marine Biology and Global Change University of Exeter , told Mail Online : ' This looks to be a male beaked whale of the species Mesoplodon densirostris .

  4. 但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。

    But it is easier to hear the baleen whale , with its lower-frequency call , than the beaked whales , says Theriault .

  5. 在东京南部62英里千叶市管辖区的wada,一群约10岁左右的学生在他们春游时,观看了一个大约30英尺高的贝氏喙鲸在端上餐桌前被屠杀的过程。

    In the town of Wada , 62 miles ( 100 kilo meters ) south of Tokyo in Chiba prefecture , dozens of 10 - year - old students watched Thursday as workers carved up a 30-foot Baird 's beaked whale during an educational field trip , before being served a meal of fried whale meat .

  6. 那时,齿鲸亚目(该目包括海豚、齿鲸、抹香鲸、喙鲸等成员)从古鲸亚目中分离出来,而其中的一些成员,特别是现代海豚的祖先,体型减小,大脑体积增大。

    When this split occurred , body sizes for some decreased and brain sizes increased , especially in the ancestors of modern dolphins .

  7. 鹅喙鲸,也称作柯氏喙鲸,是在挪威海滩首次发现的鲸鱼。

    The goose-beaked whale , also known as a Cuvier 's beaked whale , is the first to ever be found off the coast of Norway .

  8. 在挪威的海滩旁,一头罕见的鹅喙鲸被人们反复拖到岸上,它十分虚弱,不得不对它进行了安乐死。随后专家们就找出了原因所在。

    A rare goose-beaked whale that repeatedly beached on a Norwegian shore was so ill that it had to be euthanized - and experts soon found out why .

  9. 中国自然杂志指出,它看起来像一只有喙的鲸。

    China 's Naturalist magazine said that it looks like a beaked whale .