
shānɡ pǐn fánɡ
  • commercial housing;marketable housing
  1. 而商品房价格是贷款上升的Granger原因,而反之则不成立。

    The price of commercial housing is Granger cause of the loan , and not the contrary set up .

  2. 商品房预售的利弊分析

    The Analysis on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Commercial Housing Presale

  3. 然后在此基础之上,本文利用MATLAB软件建立BP神经网络模型,对中国商品房平均销售价格进行预测。

    Then , the paper uses MATLAB software to build up BP neural network model , to forecast the housing price .

  4. 住宅商品房开发方案的CSI评价

    CSI Evaluating Method on Developing Project of Commercial Residential Buildings

  5. 基于VFP的城镇商品房管理信息系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for Town Commercial Apartment Mangement Information System Based on VFP

  6. 凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)经济学家马克•威廉姆斯(MarkWilliams)表示:官方统计数据显示,目前开发商手中的待售商品房数量高达560万套,这一数字在两年的时间里几乎翻了一番。

    Developers are currently sitting on 5.6m units of unsold property , according to official statistics , a figure that has almost doubled in the space of two years , says Mark Williams , economist at Capital Economics .

  7. 我国住房贷款提前还贷的ARM与FRM比较与选择商品房按揭中提前还贷问题研究

    Comparation and Selection between ARM and FRM on Prepayment in China Housing Mortgage Market Study on the Problems of Repaying Loans Ahead of Time in the Mortgage of Marketable Housing

  8. 然后结合对于该系统所获取的需求,对商品房网上签约系统进行详细的需求分析,并且根据UML同意建模语言中的静态图例如用例图和活动图来对其进行需求分析。

    Then we conduct detailed requirements analysis combined with the requirements we get about the system , and use the static diagrams of UML Unified Modeling Language such as user case diagram and activity diagram to conduct requirements analysis .

  9. 在HF外滩商品房市场定位分析中,着重分析了其在市场定位中存在的主要问题,发现影响其市场定位的主要因素,包括企业自身因素、目标客户因素和外部环境因素。

    The market positioning analysis of " HF Waitan " commercial residential buildings details the main problems and the primary factors which influent market positioning , include the enterprise factor , the consumer factor and the external environmental factor .

  10. 中国国家统计局(nbs)昨日发布的数据似乎表明,住房需求有所降温,一季度全国商品房销售面积35.8%的同比增幅,低于去年末季度50%的同比增幅。

    The figures released yesterday by the National Bureau of statistics suggested some cooling in demand for housing , with the 35.8 per cent on-year increase in sales in the first quarter down from the 50 per cent rate seen at the end of last year .

  11. 商品房认购书中定金罚则适用的困惑与反思

    On Puzzle and Introspection of the Application of sin Subscription Certificate

  12. 对住宅商品房使用新型墙材的探讨

    Approach of using new type walling materials for marketable residential buildings

  13. 谈解决商品房市场的信息不对称问题

    The Settlement of the Information Dissymmetry In the Real Estate Market

  14. 商品房交易实训课程的设计与实践

    The Instructional Design and Practice in Commercial Housing Trading Training Course

  15. 完善商品房预售制度。

    We will improve the advance purchase system for commodity housing .

  16. 商品房买卖面积争议处理

    Management to the Dispute over Surface Areas of Mercenary Commercial Housing

  17. 最高收入阶层有能力购买商品房住宅。

    Only the most high income estate and afford merchandize residence .

  18. 专家指导:怀疑商品房面积缩水应该怎么办?

    Expert guidance : commercial housing area suspected to be reduced ?

  19. 第一部分对商品房消费者权利进行了一般性研究。

    The first part of commercial property consumer rights makes general research .

  20. 更多的人不得不选择昂贵的商品房。

    More people had to choose the expensive commercial housing .

  21. 中国商品房价格长期上行的政策性因素分析

    China commercial house price long term going up 's policy factor analysis

  22. 住宅商品房销售决策系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Selling Decision System for Commercial Residence

  23. 文章最后一部分主要论述怎样完善商品房按揭制度。

    The last part mainly discusses how to improve housing mortgage system .

  24. 商品房定价策略的静、动态分析

    Static and Dynamic Analysis of Price-making Strategy for Commercial Housing

  25. 商品房消费者权益保护研究

    Study on Safeguarding Rights and Interests of Commodity House Consumers

  26. 伴随着市场经济的发展,商品房逐渐普及化。

    With the development of market economy , commercial houses become popular .

  27. 引导商品房开发、促进房地产业发展的思考

    Analysis to the Development Factors of Commercial Buildings at Real Estate Business

  28. 商品房预售是一种法律关系复杂的交易行为。

    The pre-sale of commercial housing is a complex legal relationship transaction .

  29. 商品房销售数据仓库的模型建立

    Design of a Residential Sales Model Based on Data Warehouse

  30. 上海政策性商品房开发模式探讨

    A Probe into the Exploiting Patterns of Policy-related Commodity Houses in Shanghai