
shānɡ pǐn chǔ cún
  • commodity reserves
  1. 我国对量本利分析法的新发展&商品储存保本保利期管理的介绍

    New Advance of CVP Analysis in China-Introduction to Merchandise Storage Period Management

  2. 还可通过商品储存发挥“蓄水池”作用,平衡商品供求。

    Storage of goods can also play a " reservoir " effect , commodity supply and demand balance .

  3. 商品马铃薯储存条件和抑制发芽技术的研究

    A study on the storing conditions and inhibiting sprout of ware potato

  4. 我们或许能探索在八国集团和关键的发展中国家之间达成一致,以国际能源机构(iea)为典范,在透明清晰的规章管理下,进行“全球商品”的储存。

    We might explore an agreement among the G8 and key developing countries to hold " global goods " stocks , modelled on the International Energy Agency , governed by transparent and clear rules .

  5. 以前,iPod和iPhone,iPad以及其他主要商品,都储存在库房里,因此顾客在店员的帮助下才能拿到产品。但从下周三开始,苹果会将其最新款iPod陈列在配件区,因此顾客可以直接拿取现成的产品。

    Previously , iPods were stored in the back room along with iPhones , iPads and other major products , so customers had to request one from a sales rep. Starting next Wednesday , Apple will display its latest iPod lineup in the accessory section so that customers can just pick one off the rack .

  6. 像亚马逊一样,京东从生产商和经销商处买进商品、然后储存在仓库中,再通过网站卖给消费者。

    Like Amazon . com , the company buys goods from manufacturers and distributors , stocks these products in warehouses and offers them for purchase via its website .

  7. 本文研究了商品等级草莓在储存期间的变化规律。

    The change of commercial strawberry quality during storage period was studied .

  8. 粮食商品的生产、储存、流通、加工及销售在国民经济和社会发展中占有重要地位。

    Grain production , storage , distribution , processing and marketing take important roles in the national economy and social development .

  9. 仓储活动除以商品入库验收,储存保管和出库供应为主外,还包括包装、流通加工、分拣、配送和运输等。

    Except checking and accepting , storing and keeping , taking and supplying merchandise , the process of storage includes packing , processing in circulation , selecting and transportation .

  10. 仓储式超市是一种集商品销售与商品储存于一个空间的零售形式,日本及台湾又称之为量贩。具有规模大、投入少、价格低的优势。

    The bulk supermarket is a retail forms that the goods sale and storage both in one place , the bulk supermarket is called " Quantity selling " in Japan and TaiWan , it have a many superiorities just like large scale , low input and low price .

  11. 很多ETF的表现可能会显著偏离大宗商品价格,尤其是从长期而言&原因是它们投资于期货合约,而不是购买基础大宗商品并将其储存在仓库。

    The performance of many of these ETFs can diverge markedly from the headline price of a commodity & especially over the long run , if they are investing in futures contracts rather than buying the underlying commodity and sticking it in a warehouse .