
  • 网络Commercial housing;commercial buildings;mercantile occupancy
  1. 小木屋就地取材商业用房则是早期城市形成的关键

    Merchants ' houses , the backbone for the early cities .

  2. 大量的民居和商业用房,都被日军闯入,洗劫一空。

    Very many residential and commercial properties were entered and looted .

  3. 根据用途,其可分为以下几类:居民用房、商业用房、以及工业用房。

    It comes in several varieties : residential , commercial , and industrial .

  4. 把底层小面积住房改建为较大商业用房的探讨

    Discussion on the reconstructing of bottom layer house with small area to large business building

  5. 在商业用房、公建设施和综合性项目中,都会有突破性表现和发展。

    In commercial space , public facilities and comprehensive projects have breakthrough performance and development .

  6. 商品住宅只是房地产行业的一小类,其他还有括商业用房和工业用房。

    Commodities residential real estate industry is only a sub-set , also include other commercial space and industrial space .

  7. 凶手从旅馆房间出来时手上沾满鲜血。出售商业用房,前有空地两面临街。

    The murderer came out of the hotel room red-handed . For sale , shop premises with frontages on two streets .

  8. 目前持有型物业占写字楼、商业用房的平均比例大约为10%。

    At present the average proportion of the hold type property for the office houses , commercial houses is about 10 % .

  9. 介绍了华林广场上部高层住宅、下部大空间商业用房主体结构的概念设计。

    This paper presents the conceptive design when the top of the building is tall residence and the bottom of the building is large space structure .

  10. 控爆部分拆除商业用房某招商城大楼火灾后的鉴定和加固

    Practice of controlled Blasting in Part a business building 7-51 # Zhong Hua Street in Guiyang City APPRAISAL AND STRENGTHENING DESIGN OF A BUSINESS BUILDING AFTER CONFLAGRATION ACCIDENT

  11. 个人商业用房贷款是指银行向借款人发放的购置自营性商业用房和自用办公用房的贷款。

    Personal commercial housing loan means a loan lent by any bank to the borrower for it to purchase a self-operated commercial housing or a self-used official housing .

  12. 在中国古代社会,四合院的结构一直是住房、宫殿、寺庙、寺院、商业用房以及官府建筑的基本模式。

    In ancient Chinese society , the siheyuan composition has been the basic pattern used for residences , palaces , temples , monasteries , business and government offices .

  13. 而办公楼物业,商业用房日渐受到冷落,以致一说起该两类物业的开发,发展商或投资商都有种谈虎色变的感觉。

    And office properties , commercial premises are subject to neglect , resulting in a way that the two types of property development , a developer or investors have the feeling of fear .

  14. 商业用房贷款是指向借款人发放的用于购置、建造和大修理以商业为用途的各类型房产的贷款。

    The term " commercial housing loans " shall refer to the loans granted to the borrowers and used to purchase , build and overhaul various types of house properties for commercial use .

  15. 底框砌体结构由于底层空间较大,作为沿街商业用房,应用广泛,但抗震性能差,汶川地震震害已充分证实了这一点。

    Masonry building with bottom frames is widely applied as commercial building along the street due to its large bottom space , but the poor seismic performance has also been fully confirmed in Wenchuan earthquake .

  16. 地上为商业营业用房以及住宅用房;

    Floor space for commercial business and residential space ;

  17. 项目以住宅为主,包括部分商业配套用房。

    Most part of the project is residence and just one part of it is business supporting houses .

  18. 在房地产市场结构中,写字楼、商业营业用房、其他用房大约占了1/3的市场份额。

    In the real estate market struc-ture , the office houses , the commercial houses , the other have probably occupied 1 / 3 market share with the room .

  19. 商业地产,是指区别于住宅地产,包括商场、酒店等商业营业用房在内的房地产项目。

    The commercial real estate is a form that different form the housing real estate , it includes these real estate projects for commercial use that includes market 、 hotel , etc.