
zhuó mù niǎo
  • woodpecker
啄木鸟 [zhuó mù niǎo]
  • [woodpecker] 啄木鸟科(Picidae),具有对趾足,坚挺多刺,适于攀登或支撑在树干上;喙特别坚硬,适于在树皮或树干上钻孔;一般具有斑驳的颜色

啄木鸟[zhuó mù niǎo]
  1. 啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。

    The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree .

  2. 啄木鸟是一个医生,她有一个很大的医院。

    Woodpecker is a doctor , she has a big hospital .

  3. 啄木鸟栖息在中空的树中。

    Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees .

  4. 啄木鸟能消灭躲在树里的害虫。

    Woodpeckers can exterminate insect pests hiding in trees .

  5. 科学家们求助于一个名为“eBird”的数据库,观鸟者在数据库记录下观察到的啄木鸟、鹭、鹗等鸟类的信息。

    Scientists turned to a database , known as eBird , where birdwatchers record sightings of everything from woodpeckers to herons , to ospreys .

  6. 啄木鸟找食,全凭嘴

    A woodpecker searching for food / all depending on the mouth

  7. 白腹黑啄木鸟是中国国家二级保护

    White-bellied Black Woodpecker is the second class state protection in China

  8. 大家赶紧叫来了啄木鸟。

    Quickly , they go to ask the woodpecker for help .

  9. 红头红颈的黑白色北美洲啄木鸟。

    Black-and-white North American woodpecker having a red head and neck .

  10. 星星是啄木鸟在天上啄出来的洞。

    Stars are where a woodpecker pecked holes in the sky .

  11. 东半球有特殊的扭脖子习惯的啄木鸟。

    Old World woodpecker with a peculiar habit of twisting the neck .

  12. 我们看起来象什么,象不象啄木鸟?

    What do we look like , a couple of peckerwood jackasses ?

  13. 山雀、啄木鸟和猫头鹰呆在北方度过这个季节。

    Chickadees , woodpeckers , and owls stay north for the season .

  14. 北美洲东部腹部为浅黄色的吸汁啄木鸟。

    Eastern North American sapsucker having a pale yellow abdomen .

  15. 普通的欧洲褐黄色啄木鸟,嘴巴向下弯曲。

    Common European brown-and-buff tree creeper with down-curved bill .

  16. 啄木鸟:这也意味着要离开学校!

    W : it means getting off from school !

  17. 灰色啄木鸟击打钻孔,远近的果园匆匆忙忙;

    In orchards near and far away The grey wood-pecker taps and bores ;

  18. 基于啄木鸟头部特点的消防头盔抗冲击防护技术

    Firefighters ' helmet impacting resistance technology research based on woodpecker 's head characters

  19. 但千万别过头了,把自己变成成啄木鸟伍迪了哦。

    But don 't overdo it and peck like Woody Woodpecker 。 6 .

  20. 但倘若看到的是一只啄木鸟的话那她就不会找到如意郎君。

    But if it 's a woodpecker she will find no man at all .

  21. 北美洲的小啄木鸟,黑色或白色羽毛,小嘴。

    Small North American woodpecker with black and white plumage and a small bill .

  22. 以苹果树和枫树等树木的树汁为食的美洲小啄木鸟。

    Small American woodpecker that feeds on sap from e.g. apple and maple trees .

  23. 啄木鸟是怎么得名的?

    How did woodpeckers get their name ?

  24. 有羽冠的啄木鸟现在在增加。非洲色彩鲜艳有冠毛的大鸟。

    Pileated woodpeckers are on the wax now . large brightly crested bird of Africa .

  25. 白腹黑啄木鸟理查亚种中国画的黑白与木版画的黑白交叉关系研究

    Chinese Painting and Woodblock Prints of Black and White Black and White Study of Cross-Relations

  26. 产于欧洲和亚洲东部的啄木鸟。

    Woodpecker of Europe and western Asia .

  27. 三种啄木鸟的生态位和竞争金与黑三札

    The Niches and Competitions of Three Kinds of Woodpeckers The Story of Golden & Black

  28. “那一定是啄木鸟,”赫伯特一面说,一面打算走近些。

    " That must be a jacamar ," said Herbert , trying to get nearer .

  29. 为何啄木鸟不会头痛?

    Why woodpeckers don 't get headaches ?

  30. 所有的啄木鸟都有适於攀爬的脚。

    All the woodpeckers have scansorial feet .