
  1. 唐长安城毁灭的历史地理考察

    The historical and geographical investigation to the destruction of Chang ' an City in Tang Dynasty

  2. 唐长安城城市规划思想初探

    Tentative study on the idea applied in urban planning of Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 相对而言,其坊市制度被打破的程度要小于其他大中城市。第三部分论唐长安城商品管理。

    Breaking slower than in other major cities . Third , the Chang ' an City Commodity Management .

  4. 街:城市社会的舞台&以唐长安城为中心

    Street : the stage for a city ! society - with special reference to the Tang dynasty Chang ' an

  5. 曲江池位于唐长安城东南部,在这里巧用自然地势布设风景区的设施,开始于秦代。

    Qujiang pool which is located in the south east of Chang'an city became a scenic spot in the Qin Dynasty .

  6. 并在此基础上归纳出唐长安城在绿化建设中的树种、树种分布规律以及分布原因。

    Based on this , species of trees in afforesting the Chang ' an city , its distributing regularity and its reasons are concluded .

  7. 本章最后概括叙述了唐长安城的历史交通地理,对于其后的漕粮运输提供了研究的地理基础。

    This chapter summarized finally narrated the Tang Chang An city historical transportation geography , regarding after that the tax grain transportation has provided the research geography foundation .

  8. 唐长安城是中国历史上规模最为宏伟壮观的都城,它在中国城建史上具有非常重要的地位。

    ChangAn of the Tang Dynasty , the most splendid capital city in scale in the history of China , reflected a great spirit of the great unity of the imperial court .

  9. 唐长安城的里坊制,既是一种城市建筑规划,也是一种城市管理的社会秩序。

    The Lifang unit system in the capital city of Chang'an ( Tang Dynasty ) was a form of urban construction design , as well as a management policy in social order .

  10. 唐长安城的市场管理体系由市场的规划与营建,城市市场官吏设置,市场秩序和市容管理制度三个方面构成。

    Chang ' an City of the market management system set by the market planning and construction , urban market officials , constitute three aspects of the market order and amenity management system .

  11. 曲江之所以能成为唐长安城文化中心(文脉),是因为她正位居唐长安城的龙脉与水脉的交汇处。

    Qujiang becomes the cultural center of Chang'an in Tang Dynasty because of it 's favourable location : the mixture of dragon root and water root of Chang'an , the capital of late Tang Dynasty .

  12. 唐长安城在我国古代城市发展史上占有重要的历史地位,长安城城市规划思想的研究也历来是人们所关注的课题。

    Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty occupies a important place in the development of ancient Chinese city history . The study on the idea of Chang'an city planning is a problem on the pocus of attention .

  13. 长安城的繁荣吸引着不同国度人来此朝拜,他们在不同的时间、以不同的方式汇集在这个大都市之中,构成了唐长安城社会结构中一个庞大的外蕃人集团。

    The prosperity of Chang-an city attracted people from different countries , at different times , in different ways . The foreign Group came here to worship and converge in this city , constituting the social structure of Chang-an City .

  14. 本文旨在通过对唐长安城的城市基址规划、形态结构、聚居形式和城市形象等方面的论述,以达到对其规划的基本指导思想认识完整性的目的。

    The main purpose of this paper is to completely realize the basic thinking of Chang'an city planning by expounding the base planning , the shape and pattern , the form of inhabitation and the image of the Chang'an city .

  15. 唐长安城所蕴涵的建筑文化思想表现出长安文化兼容并蓄、求实创新的文化气度,代表着初盛唐时代的审美理想,对初盛唐诗歌产生了重要的影响。

    The town of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty , representative of the aesthetical ideal in the early flourishing days and typical of the all-inclusive and exploring innovative perception of architectural civilization in Chang'an , exerted a significant influence on poetry in those days .