
  • 网络HBOS
  1. 迄今为止,政府官员们顶住了压力,指出苏格兰皇家银行、苏格兰哈里法克斯银行和劳埃德银行是自愿参加纾困计划的。

    Ministers have so far resisted the pressure , arguing that RBS , HBOS and Lloyds signed up to the scheme voluntarily .

  2. 那一夜的结果就是:政府持有苏格兰皇家银行58%的股份,并可能不久会拥有合并后的劳埃德TSB银行(LloydsTSB)与苏格兰哈里法克斯银行(HBOS)40%的股份。

    As a result of that night , the government holds a 58 per cent stake in RBS and could soon hold a 40 per cent stake in a merged Lloyds TSB and HBOS .

  3. 英国两大问题银行苏格兰皇家银行和苏格兰哈里法克斯银行的四个前任老板说了一些议会想听到的话。“坦率的说,我们为经济危机感到深深的抱歉。”

    The four former bosses of Britain 's two biggest troubled banks , the Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS , gave a little of what the members of parliament wanted to hear . " We are profoundly , and I think I would say unreservedly , sorry at the time of events . "