
  • 网络Hammond;Philip Hammond;John Hammond;Richard Hammond
  1. 起初领先的是哈蒙德。

    Hammond was the early pace-setter .

  2. 为了这项调查,埃德哈蒙德注册了两个facebook账户,一个用自己的名字注册,另一个则是用假名注册。

    To research this piece ed Hammond set up two facebook accounts , one under his own name and another using a pseudonym .

  3. 得到一个奇怪的结论,哈蒙德表示,ESP没有被电磁波穿越,因为加勒特仍然可以与ESP交流。

    In a strange conclusion , Hammond stated that ESP was not carried through electromagnetic waves because Garrett could still communicate with ESP.

  4. 珍妮丝•哈蒙德将执教商业分析课,她曾经在哈佛商学院向那些未来的诗人们(即没有雄厚数学背景的学生)传授MBA预备项目的基础知识。

    Janice Hammond , who has taught pre-MBA boot camps to incoming poets ( those without significant math backgrounds ) at HBS , is teaching the course on business analytics .

  5. 发表演讲的还有生物学家和化学工程师、麻省理工(MIT)化学工程负责人保拉•哈蒙德(PaulaHammond)。

    There were biologists on the platform too , and a chemical engineer - Paula Hammond , head of chemical engineering at MIT .

  6. 一位外交部官员表示,外交大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(PhilipHammond)已被中国提出的治理和政治干预方面的防护措施所劝服。

    Philip Hammond , the foreign secretary , had been persuaded by the safeguards offered by China over governance and political interference , an FO official said .

  7. 用新任财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(PhilipHammond)的话说,这“表明英国丝毫未失去对国际投资者的吸引力”。

    In the words of Philip Hammond , the new chancellor , it " shows that Britain has lost none of its allure to international investors . "

  8. 在去年11月的预算演讲中,英国财政大臣菲利普?哈蒙德(PhilipHammond)提到了“要持续关注于让更多的人有工作”。

    Philip Hammond , UK chancellor of the exchequer , referred in his Budget speech in November to a " relentless focus on getting more people into work . "

  9. 英国财政大臣菲利普•哈蒙德(PhilipHammond)表示,英国必须对欧盟其余部分采取现实的谈判立场,否则将面临多年有害的经济不确定性。

    Philip Hammond , the UK chancellor , has said Britain must adopt a realistic negotiating position with the rest of the EU or face years of damaging economic uncertainty .

  10. 哈蒙德库存模型,计算和确定了LX公司的安全库存,提高了原材料安全库存的管理水平;

    He counts and confirms the safety inventory Level of LX Company , and improves the management of raw material safety inventory Level by adopting Shapiro-wilk Robert Hammond Inventory Model ;

  11. 哈蒙德是在中国成都举行的20国集团(G20)财长和央行行长会议上对记者们发表这一言论的。他表示,让企业放心和恢复英国信心的方式,是争取欧盟方面对英国的退欧谈判立场作出“积极”回应。

    Speaking to journalists at the G20 meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors in Chengdu , China , Mr Hammond said the way to send a reassuring signal to business and restore UK confidence was to get a " positive " EU response to Britain 's negotiating stance on terms for leaving the bloc .

  12. 哈蒙德今日将在华盛顿与美国国防部长利昂帕内塔(leonpanetta)举行首次会晤,届时他将发表讲话,称“保持全球贸易要道的自由、开放和畅通”符合所有国家的利益。

    As he prepares to hold his first meeting in Washington today with Leon Panetta , US defence secretary , Mr Hammond will say in a speech it is in the interests of all nations " that the arteries of Global trade are kept free , opening and running " .

  13. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:这是用醋可以做的特别的事情。

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : Extraordinary the things you can do with vinegar .

  14. 哈蒙德要你带着设备尽量接近恐龙。

    Hammond wants your equipment as close to the animals as possible .

  15. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:伊丽莎白和她得四个孩子居住在乌干达。

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : Elizabeth lives in Uganda with her four children .

  16. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:你曾经想过你可以活多久吗?

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : Have you ever wondered how long you 'd live ?

  17. 伊恩,我怎么也没想到哈蒙德会把你找来。

    Ian , I never thought Hammond could get you to come here .

  18. 我会叫哈蒙德重新部署。

    I will tell Hammond to order the redeployment .

  19. 有助于学生发展的教师学习&美国教育家琳达·达林-哈蒙德论教师教育

    Teacher Learning that Support Student Learning & American Educationist Linda Darling-Hammond Discussing Teachers Education

  20. 当你试图象哈蒙德一样说话时,反而像东施效颦。

    When you try to sound like hammond , it comes off as a hustle .

  21. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:那还有没有涂片标本检查所不具备的优点?

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : And are there any advantages that it has over the pap smear ?

  22. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:我期待收到你们的邮件,请继续发邮件给我们。

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : I love to getting your e-mails so do keep them coming in .

  23. 从1951年到1952年,哈蒙德也与灵媒艾琳·加勒特共事研究心灵感应。

    From 1951 to 1952 , Hammond also worked alongside psychic Eileen Garrett to research telepathy .

  24. 我使用一台哈蒙德牌打字机。

    I use the Hammond typewriter .

  25. 汤斯维尔市议会环境卫生执行经理盖文‧哈蒙德证实已接获一件客诉。

    Townsville City Council Environmental Health executive manager Gavin Hammond confirmed a complaint had been received .

  26. 不要理会哈蒙德的那些信,全都是吹牛。

    Don 't take notice of Hammond 's letters , they are nothing but hot air .

  27. 心理学老师克劳迪娅•哈蒙德将此现象称为“假期迷思”。

    This phenomenon has been called " the holiday paradox " by psychology lecturer Claudia Hammond .

  28. 正如哈蒙德教授认为的那样,科学家可以从化学工程领域借鉴纳米技术创意,以突破生物屏障。

    As Professor Hammond observed , scientists could borrow nanotechnology ideas from chemical engineering to breach biological barriers .

  29. 对于哈蒙德来说,这是任何一个球员都难以承受的,更不用说是新秀了。

    To Hammond , that 's a load for any player to bear , much less a rookie .

  30. 克劳迪娅•哈蒙德:所以你们要在海底最测试,那么这个测试如何进行?

    CLAUDIA HAMMOND : So you 're actually going to test this underwater , how will that work ?