
  • 网络harrow;Harrow school
  1. 创建于1572年的哈罗公学(HarrowSchool)男生毕业时在学校食堂举行“离校生宴会”,佩戴黑色领带,携父母一同出席。

    Instead , at Harrow School , founded in1572 , graduating boys have a black-tie'Leavers Feast'with their parents in the school dining hall .

  2. 哈罗公学在北京还有一所分校,达利奇学院(dulwichcollege)在中国拥有三所分校,并计划开设更多分校,而其它英国学校正首次进入海外市场。

    Harrow has another school in Beijing and Dulwich College has three in China and plans more , while other British schools are entering the overseas market for the first time .

  3. 家里仍有用于留学的钱。刘特佐在伦敦古老的精英学校哈罗公学(HarrowSchool)就读时,与纳吉布的继子阿齐兹成了朋友。阿齐兹当时在伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)学习。

    There was money for education abroad , and in London , while attending the ancient and elite Harrow school , Mr. Low became friends with Mr. Najib 's stepson , Mr. Aziz , who was studying at the London School of Economics .

  4. 康伯巴奇生于伦敦,父母都是演员——父亲是蒂莫西·卡尔顿(TimothyCarlton),母亲是旺达·文瑟姆(WandaVentham)。他在哈罗公学(著名私立男校,与另一著名私立学校伊顿公学名声不相上下——译注)上高中时演出了第一个重要角色。

    He was born in London , to parents who were in the business - the actors Wanda Ventham and Timothy Carlton - and had his first substantial part in high school at Harrow , the famous boys ' boarding school that is the Yale to Eton 's Harvard .

  5. 我在哈罗公学时,老是替他跑腿做事。

    I used to fag for him when I was at harrow .

  6. 哈罗公学在北京和曼谷分别有一所分校。

    Harrow has one in Beijing and one in Bangkok .

  7. 勒诺表示,伦敦哈罗公学亲自为北京分校任命校长。

    Mr Lenon says harrow in London appoints the head of the Beijing school by itself .

  8. 所以,人们可以看到,在拉格比和莫尔伯勒公学比赛的球员手抱着球,而在伊顿和哈罗公学则是用脚踢球和带球。

    So while at Rugby and Marlborough the ball was carried , it was kicked and dribbled at Eton and Harrow .

  9. 拉格比公学是英国顶尖的公学之一,排名仅次于最有名气的伊顿公学、哈罗公学。

    Rugby is one of the top ' public ' schools in the United Kingdom , just a rung below the more famous Eton and Harrow .

  10. 哈罗公学表示,它独自决定分校校长任命,而且它已采取防范措施,从自己现有人员编制中挑选下任曼谷分校校长。

    Harrow says it alone makes the decision and the school has taken the precaution of picking the next head of the Bangkok school from the existing harrow establishment .

  11. 曾担任哈罗公学校长的莱农说,报考汉语人数增长一定程度上是私立学校推动的,许多私立学校近年来都对这一学科加大了投入。

    Mr Lenon , a former headmaster at Harrow School , said the rise in Chinese A-levels is partly driven by private schools , many of which have invested in the subject in recent years .