
The Interface Design of Substructure and Station Facilities Engineering in Harbin-Dalian Railway Passenger Dedicated Line
Experimental Studies on Sulfate Attack Resistance of High Performance Concrete for Hada Railway Passenger Dedicated Line
The transportation is very convenient , with Harbin-Dalian Railway and Shenyang-Dalian Highway passing through this area .
Technology for Steam Curing and Pressure Grouting of Concrete Box Girders in Dehui for Harbin-Dalian Passenger Railway Line
Utilization and Import of Foreign Capital to Promote Railway Science and Technical Progress-A Good Attempt of Utilizing Foreign Capital to Import Overseas Advanced Technical Equipment to Harbin-Dalian Railway
At the same time the development trend of the temperature field in the process of frost heaving and thaw in the actual condition is calculated .
⑶ The coupling between temperature field and stress field is realized through adding steady-state temperature field data to the calculation model of embankment structure as an initial condition . Strength reduction method is adopted to study the slope stability of the embankment in thaw period .
Ha-da electrical railway is the first traction power supply technology imported from Germany , which is different from other domestic power supply system for electrical railway , it uses 220 kV two-phase power supply system , this is the first application in China .
This thesis carries out simulation study on the commissioning of three traction transformers in Jilin Province .