
  • 网络brand differentiation
  1. 网络外部性与CDMA的品牌差异化选择

    Brand Differentiation with the Choice for CDMA in Network Externality

  2. 重点利用动态博弈方法和数理模型构建方法分析了品牌差异化效应和集群品牌荫庇效应。

    The brand differentiation effects are analyzed by game theory and the shelter effect are analyzed by quantitative model .

  3. 基于生态位理论的品牌差异化多维评价研究

    The Research on the Evaluation of Brand Differentiation Based on Niche Theory

  4. 实施品牌差异化战略获得竞争优势

    Difference Brand Position Strategy to Achieve Advantage of Competition

  5. 主要包括:一是品牌差异化。

    Mainly include : Firstly , brand differentiate .

  6. 铁与细胞因子品牌差异化的回应之道

    Iron and Cytokine Response with Branding Difference

  7. 从产品差异化走向品牌差异化

    Differentia from product to brand

  8. 太保产险的差异化战略包括产品差异化、服务差异化、人员差异化、区域差异化、渠道差异化和品牌差异化。

    The strategy includes commodity differential strategy , service differential strategy , region differential strategy , human resource differential strategy , channel differential strategy and brand differential strategy .

  9. 第四章至第七章:从葡萄品种与酒种区域化、葡萄酒质量等级差异化、葡萄酒品牌差异化和葡萄酒包装差异化四个方面论述了葡萄酒产品差异化策略。

    Chapter 4 to 7 give some detailed tactics of wine product differentiation . The four respects are grape varieties and wine types , wine quality level control , product brand and wine packaging .

  10. 运用ShakedandSutton模型,对厂商的利润大小与品牌差异化程度的关系进行分析,得出厂商为获取更多的利润,也需要进行品牌差异化竞争的结论。

    Also the relationship between firms ' profits and the degree of brand competition differentiation is studied with the Shaked and Sutton model , and the result is the same if the firms want the more profits .

  11. 其中,成本领先要通过建立有效的组织结构、制定合理有效的人才制度和创新营销渠道来实现;品牌差异化则包括产品差异化、服务差异化和企业文化差异化。

    Among them , cost-reducing will come true through founding the effective organization , making out rational human resources system and innovating marketing channel ; Brand variation concludes product variation , serve variation and enterprise culture variation .

  12. 文章从企业营销的角度总结了实施差异化的四种战略途径:产品差异化、品牌差异化、渠道差异化、服务差异化,并就每种途径的具体实施进行了论述。

    In addition , the article has summarized and dwelt on the four strategic ways to enforce the differential from on the base of the theory about marketing : the differential of product , brand , place and service .

  13. 结果与结论:连锁药店应该站在长远的发展角度上,寻找适合自身发展的特色道路,在经营形态差异化、经营商品多元化和服务差异化、品牌差异化及管理规范化等方面下功夫。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS : Chain drugstore should adhere to a long-term development , sparing no efforts to seek a road of development characteristic of their own and try to diversify its management forms , range of com ˉ modities , services and brands , and standardize its administration , etc.

  14. 《今日女报》通过品牌形象差异化、品牌活动差异化、品牌延伸差异化实施其品牌差异化战略。

    Women Today implements differentiation strategy through differentiated brand image , differentiated brand activities and differentiated brand extension .

  15. 至少在目前的发展阶段,领先品牌之间差异化的程度仍参差不齐。

    At least it seems like the degree of differentiation among leading brands within their peer group is fairly uneven at this stage in development .

  16. 最后指出企业间单枪匹马的价格竞争要向战略联盟间和产业群居链间竞争、服务品牌与差异化竞争转变,即从低层次的竞争向高层次上的竞争转变。

    At last , the paper also points out the enterprises ' alone price competitions will change to the competitions of stratagem alliance and industry infest chain , predicating the competition change from low level to high level .

  17. 品牌创新&差异化;

    Discrepancy in brand creativity ;

  18. 高校人才就业可以采用人才定制、品牌效应、差异化和目标化营销方式。

    University talents employment can use talent customization , brand effect , differentiation and actualizing marketing methods .

  19. 平民化;品牌战略;差异化战略;可持续发展;绿色健康环保娱乐;

    Civilian-based ; brand strategy ; differentiation strategy ; sustainable development ; green health ; environmental protection entertainment ;

  20. 首先,画廊需摈弃对画家与作品选择的盲从,构建画廊的品牌化和差异化经营模式。

    First of all , galleries should abandon the irrational choices of artists and their works to build a mode of branding and differentiation .

  21. 随着中国中产阶级消费者更加重视舒适度,他们或许“会更看重品牌和产品差异化,而这恰恰是本土品牌的劣势所在”。

    As more middle-class Chinese focus on fitness , consumers " may seek more value in brand identity and product differentiation , which are weaknesses of domestic brands . "

  22. 如何通过有效的设计手段制造手机品牌间的差异化,使手机品牌在市场上获得领先的地位,这是当前许多手机品牌亟待解决的问题。

    At present , many mobile phone brands need to solve a problem : how to make differentiation between mobile phone brands with effective product family design approaches and enable themselves to maintain the leading position in the market .

  23. 第四章,对中小企业的房地产营销策略进行了探讨,指出了全程营销策划、品牌营销、差异化在中小房地产企业营销策略中的重要性;

    Chapter four research on the marketing planning tactics for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises . Index the importance of the theory of whole process marketing , brand marketing and finding the ways to avoid the direct competition ;

  24. 品牌化、差异化要求企业具有更高的管理水平和营销能力,借助高素质的人力资源不断的创新开拓,增强企业自身的竞争力,实现企业的可持续发展。

    Brand-focusing strategy and differentiated strategy require the enterprise to have higher management ability and marketing ability , and to create innovation by using higher human resources , to strengthen the competition capacity itself , and to keep the sustainable development .

  25. 基于Hotelling线性城市模型,以双寡头序贯进入为分析背景,模型化了品牌忠诚影响产品差异化的两种方式:造成转换成本及影响消费者的购买意愿。

    Based on the Hotelling linear city model , this paper established a model on the ground of duopoly sequential entering to analyze brand loyalty 's two kinds of effect , one was to induce transferring cost , the other was to influence consumer 's willing of purchase .

  26. 因此,品牌形象对于酒店差异化经营已越来越重要。

    So brand image has become ever more important to differentiation .

  27. 频道要想取得竞争优势,实现频道专业化、栏目品牌化和内容差异化是获得核心竞争力的关键。

    Differentiating content and branding column is the hinge to obtain core competition and achieve the competitive advantage and specialized channel .

  28. 应该说,赢得消费者信任的终极手段,是建立足以信赖的品牌,这也是差异化行销的根本追求。

    Should say , win the ultimate consumer trust means , is to establish a trustworthy brand , this also is the fundamental pursuit .

  29. 其二级保护伞的品牌结构,及差异化的品牌理念、多品牌滚动发展、品牌管理系统的创建和资源整合等具体策略构成了南方日报传媒集团品牌战略实施的成功经验。

    Its " two umbrella " brand architecture , the differentiation of the brand concept , multi-brand rolling development , brand management system and resource integration constitute the successful experience of the implementation of brand strategy for Southern Newspaper Media Group .

  30. 在研究海神电梯公司市场定位时,结合前面的分析,运用定位图法,确定了差异化定位指导方针,并逐一落实了产品、服务、品牌和企业的差异化定位策略。

    While determining the market positioning of Poseidon Elevator Company , the paper uses the positing-chart analytical method , combined with Differentiation Analysis Model , to define the marketing strategy of the differentiation positioning of the products , services , brand and company for the Poseidon Elevator Company .