
  • 网络gag reflex;pharyngeal reflex
  1. 水下摄影师露西·雷说,在六个月大左右,婴儿都会在水下出现咽反射的自然反应,因而能够本能的屏住呼吸。

    ' Up to around six months they have a gag reflex which means they hold their breath automatically , ' says underwater photographer Lucy Ray .

  2. 他们在潜入水下时会产生咽反射。在水中会唤起他们在子宫里的感觉,这使得他们在水中看起来怡然自得。

    They have a gag reflex , and being submerged reminds them of being in the womb , meaning when they go under water they look utterly at peace .

  3. 结论:将表面喷雾麻醉剂引入口腔科治疗,解决咽反射敏感效果良好。

    CONCLUSION : Pharyngeal anesthetic spray is an effective way to alleviate the pharynx sensitivity .

  4. 当我把剑放到我的嘴里的时候,我要抑制喉咙后部的咽反射。

    When I put the sword in my mouth , I will repress the gag reflex in the back of the throat .

  5. 结果:在10种脑干反射中,除角膜反射,咽反射无明显改变外,其余各种反射均有不同程度异常。

    Resuts : The all other reflexes of 10 brain stem reflexes have some abnormality , except the corneal reflexes and pharyngeal reflexes .

  6. 目的:探讨减轻慢性咽炎伴咽反射敏感患者口腔病治疗时恶心与肌紧张反应的有效方法。

    AIM : To evaluate the effects of anesthetic spray on alleviating nausea and muscular tension of pharynx in sensitive patient during dental treatment .

  7. 结论:项针治疗假性延髓麻痹有显著疗效。其机理可能与提高患者脑细胞兴奋性,促进咽反射恢复,及发音器官的功能恢复,改善脑血液循环和血液流动力学等诸多因素有关。

    The mechanism of the nape-acupuncture therapy has many facts , such as : raising the patients cerebral cell 's excitation , recovering the pharynx , improving the cerebral blood circulation in focus .

  8. 经配对计数资料χ2检验,电视透视检查对吞咽困难的检出率明显高于洼田饮水试验和咽反射(P<0·01)。

    By paired-samples χ ~ 2 test , we found that the diagnosis rate of dysphagia patients were significant difference between videofluoroscopy examination , bedside water-swallowing test and gag reflex test ( P < 0.01 ) .