
  1. 抗震救灾精神是伟大民族精神的集中体现和新的发展&汶川特大地震周年祭

    Earthquake Relief Spirit-Reflection and Development of National Spirit & In Memory of Wenchuan Earthquake

  2. 送一只蜡烛给在记起死者的周年祭仍感到伤心的人。

    Send a candle to someone who is remembering the anniversary of a death is still grieving .

  3. 因为它在那里珠穆朗玛登顶五十周年祭

    Because it is there

  4. 合唱团将在阿灵顿公共图书馆举行一场纪念演出,演出的主题是:记忆与荣耀:9?11五周年祭。

    The chorale will also be presented by the Arlington Public Library in a commemorative performance entitled Remember and Honor : Five Years after September 11 .

  5. 论新诗界震灾诗的特点及意义&5·12汶川大地震周年祭诗97:4他的闪电光照世界.地看见便震动。

    On the Characteristics and Significance of Earthquake Poetry in New Verse & 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Anniversary His lightnings enlightened the world : the earth saw , and trembled .