
  1. 今天我们复习一下这周学过的知识。

    Today we shall review what we 've learned this week .

  2. 我们被迫每周学50个新单词。

    We were made to learn fifty new words every week .

  3. 一周学两个小时不如每天学半个小时。

    Study for thirty minutes every day instead of two hours once a week .

  4. 现在背诵上周学的那首诗。谁自告奋勇?

    A : Now let 's recite the poem we learned last week . Any volunteers ?

  5. 梅林达:那么我们应该一起学习和复习本周学过的英语?

    Melinda : So we should work together and review the English that we have learned this week ?

  6. 所以如果你想想电子地图,还有上周学的列举法,你就会发现一般最简单的方法,都是指数递增的。

    So if you think about the way something like , say , Mapquest works , and last week in recitation you looked at the fact that shortest path is exponential .

  7. 我相信他不会把这周学到的东西记到下一周。不过,他舒适地吸着烟斗,看上去倒挺自信,

    I don 't think he ever remembered anything from one week to the next , but he smoked his pipe comfortably , looking as intelli - gent as he could .

  8. CHTF内充填松质骨组术后6周组织学切片观察示新生软骨、骨小梁存在,术后12周新骨生成明显、层状堆积,原植入骨坏死;

    Pathological study of CHTF filled with cancellous bone showed new cartillage and bone trabecula after 6 weeks of operation .

  9. 牙周组织学观察见,OVX-GH组牙周膜的损伤和创伤性炎症较OVX-NS组明显减轻。

    The trauma and inflammation of periodontal membrane of OVX-GH group had been significantly improved compared with the OVX-NS group .

  10. 这周你们学了几个句型?

    How many sentence patterns have you learnt this week ?

  11. 那是你在神学院第一周所学的,孩子。

    You learned that your first week at the seminary , boy .

  12. 这周我们学了10个句型。

    We have learnt ten sentence patterns this week .

  13. 为牙周病学研究提供了一定的实验数据和一种新的研究方法。

    This study offers the specific data and a new way for periodontic research .

  14. 这周我们学了许多关于污染的东西。

    This week we learned about pollution .

  15. 牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志在被动手术时她咬紧了牙关。

    Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry She clenched her teeth when she was operated on .

  16. 复合树脂高强纤维夹板在晚期牙周炎中的临床应用牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志

    Clinical Application of the Splint Made by reinforced-fiber-composite-resin in Advanced Periodontitis Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry

  17. 《牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志》2002年治疗性研究文献质量的评价

    Evaluation of the Design and Statistical Methods of Clinical Studies Published in Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry of 2002

  18. 是的,我想我猜到这周要学的词了,它是

    Yang Li : Yes , I think I know what this week 's word is . It 's , erm

  19. 目的评价牙周病学前期实习中使用牙周临床病理模型进行探诊训练的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of practice of periodontal probing technique on periodontal pathological model during pre-clinical education of periodontology .

  20. 口腔种植学结合了口腔颌面外科学、牙周病学、口腔修复学、牙科材料学、口腔病理组织学等多方面的先进科学。

    Oral implantology includes oral maxillofacial surgery , periodontics , restorative dentistry , dental material study , oral pathology etc. advanced science .

  21. 他很恼怒,因为大多数员工似乎都不记得第一周所学的内容了。

    He was annoyed because most of the individuals with whom he worked seem to have retained very little information from the first week .

  22. 在牙周病学里,也许除了种植体固定装置(和它们的修复附件),没有比牙周再生材料发展得更加迅速的领域了。

    With the possible exception of implant fixtures ( and their prosthetic attachments ), no area in periodontics has proliferated so rapidly as periodontal regeneration materials .

  23. 如果我们连本周所学的知识都不能完全消化,那又怎能掌搔好下一周的知识呢?

    If we do not fully understand what we have been taught in the week , how can we expect to understand next week 's lessons ?

  24. 日本福冈九州岛的岛崎教授及其同事在《牙周病学》期刊中提到,除了勤刷牙和用牙线清洁牙齿外,能够有效缓解这一疾病的方法比较有限。

    Outside of regular brushing and flossing , effective measures to allay this disease are limited , Shimazaki , of Kyushu University in Fukuoka , Japan , and colleagues note in the Journal of Periodontology .

  25. 根据本周皮肤学研究杂志出版的一项研究表明,线粒体内部的一种线粒体复合酶二号也和线粒体一样,对皮肤供能。

    Turns out , an enzyme created in the mitochondria - mitochondrial complex II - just might do the same for you skin , according to a study published this week in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology .

  26. 现代牙周病学发病机制研究认为,牙周病的大多数组织损害是由于机体对菌斑刺激的防御过度反应所致,相当多的实验证据表明氧化应激是牙周炎的重要致病机理之一。

    Modern pathogenesis of periodontitis studies suggest that most of the tissue damage is due to the systemic overreaction to the pathogens . A considerable number of experiments show that oxidative stress is an important pathogenic mechanism in periodontitis .

  27. 日本的研究者们在《牙周病学杂志》上发表了他们的研究发现,他们分析了近1000名成年人的日常饮食,发现每天摄入酸奶和酸奶饮品最多的人,牙齿最健康。

    Yogurt Researchers from Japan , publishing their findings in the Journal of Periodontology , analyzed dietary intakes from nearly 1000 adults and found those who consumed the highest levels of dairy - specifically yogurt and yogurt-type drinks - had the healthiest gums .

  28. 每2周观察组织学、过氧化及抗氧化指标MDA、SOD,羟脯氨酸含量等,评价光老化造模效果。

    Observe the histological appearance , peroxide and antioxidant indexes of MDA / SOD , hydroxyproline contents every two weeks to evaluate the effects of photoaging model .

  29. 术后1,2周联合行为学评分(CBS)观察实验动物神经功能恢复情况。

    Functional status of nerve was assessed by the modified combined behavioral score ( CBS ) at 1 and 2 weeks after operation respectively .

  30. 并于伤后6周行组织学、免疫组化、脊髓运动诱发电位(MEP)检测及再次横断实验。

    At the 6th week after injury , also experiment was done on histology , immunohistochemistry , motor evoked potential ( MEP ) of spinal cord and repeated transection .