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  1. 我希望下周能抽出时间给你回信。

    I hope to get around to answering your letter next week .

  2. LinkedIn期望本周能将IPO价格定在42-45美元/股。

    LinkedIn is looking to sell shares at between $ 42 and $ 45 each this week .

  3. 小鼠连续灌胃3周能明显减少血浆Fib含量;

    The plasma Fib level could be significantly lowered after continuous ig administration of fucoidan in mice for 3 weeks ;

  4. 派杰分析师金玛斯特预计苹果公司第一周能卖掉100万个watch,这个数字将会是之前theiPad发售第一天销量的三倍。

    According Piper Jaffray senior analyst Gene Munster , Apple is expected to sell a million watches in its first weekend on sale , three times the first-day sales of Apple 's last all-new product , the iPad .

  5. 在空白培养基(不添加任何激素的MS基本培养基)中连续培养两周能有效降低褐变率,但污染率也随之增加,所以不做任何预处理更适合曼地亚红豆杉的下一步组培实验。

    Continuous culturing ( without any hormones in MS basic medium ) for two weeks in blank experiments can reduce browning rate effectively . but the contamination rate has also increased , so without any pretreatment of Taxus Media is more suitable for the next experimental .

  6. 然而,如果奥巴马本周能在TPP谈判中取得突破,他就将在说服批评者相信转向确实是有意义方面向前迈出一大步。

    However , if Mr Obama can achieve a breakthrough in the TPP trade talks this week , he will go a long way to convincing the critics that the pivot really means something .

  7. 我们这周能多陪陪她吗

    Can we just spend some time with her this weekend ?

  8. 问问自己:这周能尝试一下什么新的事情?

    Ask yourself : What new thing shall I try this week ?

  9. 结论粉尘螨滴剂舌下给药4~5周能抑制Ⅰ型变态反应。

    CONCLUSION Dermatophagoides farinae drops could inhibit the type ⅰ hypersensitivity reaction .

  10. 我希望你这周能把那些定下来。

    I want those nailed down by the end of the week .

  11. 你新工作一周能挣多少钱?

    How much will you earn per week in your new job ?

  12. 我盼望下周能见到你。

    I shall look forward to meeting you next week .

  13. 我现在一周能卖掉两瓶。

    I sell a couple of bottles a week , he says .

  14. 本周能在房地产与合资金融业务中获利。

    Real estate and joint financial ventures will be profitable .

  15. 他希望它们这周能到。

    He 's been expecting them to arrive this week .

  16. 麦凯恩希望本周能在布什总统帮助募款的努力下得益。

    McCain hopes to benefit this week from fundraising help from President Bush .

  17. 像周能这样的人是不值得法律来保护他的。

    A man like chow Nunn isn 't worth protecting with the law .

  18. 非常期待下周能与您见面。

    I look forward to seeing you next week .

  19. 男:你下周能参加一个会议吗?

    Man : Would you be able to attend a meeting next week ?

  20. 这周能一直把这些杂志放第一排中间吗

    Would you keep those front-row-center this week ?

  21. 结论纯钛牙种植体周能形成类似天然牙的上皮附着;

    Conclusion The gingiva epithelium can attach to titanium implants similar to natural teeth ;

  22. 人羊膜上皮细胞具有干细胞的性质,移植后5周能在脑室中存活。

    HAECs have stem cell properties , and can survive in the ventricles . 3 .

  23. 计算结果表明,同种金属离子的双齿配合物相互作周能和稳定化能大于相应单齿配合物。

    The results showed that the bidentated complexes were more stable compared with the monodentated one .

  24. 总统先生希望在未来的几周能号召美国民众和立法者们行动起来。

    The President is expected to engage the American people as well as lawmakers in the coming weeks .

  25. 我认为赛车有更大的能力,我也希望本周能有个更好的开始。

    I think the car is capable of doing better and I hope we start this weekend well .

  26. 我现在很忙,希望下周能抽出时间给你回信。

    I 'm very busy atthe moment but I hope to get round to answering your letter next week .

  27. 问问自己:“这周能尝试一下什么新的事情?”然后务必要做成这件事。

    Ask yourself : " What new thing shall I try this week ? " Then be sure to do it .

  28. 有些班孩子很聪明,学得很快,他们一周能学会一个月要学的东西。

    Some classes have really clever children so they can learn a whole month 's worth of material in a week .

  29. 且几乎所有的妇女和儿童一周能吃上三次新鲜绿色蔬菜,而之前只有三分之一。

    Almost all women and children were eating green vegetables three times a week , compared with only a third beforehand .

  30. 本周能打动对方的心,但是能拥有他确不是很容易。

    You can talk your way into someone 's heart but holding on to him or her may be difficult this week .