
  • 网络Extend downwards;stretching downward;downward stretch;Downward Stretching;underlay;downmarket
  1. 我抬头,看到夕阳在我们背后浓密的冷杉林中沉沉下坠,树木长而黑的影子渐渐拉长,向下延伸到岸边。

    I looked up and saw the sun sinking behind the thick fir wood beside us , and the long dark shadows of the trees stretching downward towards the shore .

  2. 本文针对主矿采场1638mS铁路运输是否继续向下延伸使用的问题,进行多方案比较证论,得出了继续延用铁路运输具有可行性及显著经济效果。

    It is feasible and can get remarkable economic efficiency to continue rail transportation on the prove of many plans for whether to downward stretch 1638 of main stope or not .

  3. 油井向下延伸了数百英尺。

    The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth .

  4. 这条路向下延伸到了一个山坳,然后在那里分了岔。

    The path dipped down to a sort of cove , and then it forked in two directions .

  5. 这间阁楼差不多有十二尺长,最高的地方有将近五尺,屋顶从尖角的位置向下延伸开来逐渐变得宽阔,就像圆锥那样。

    It is about twelve feet long , and its highest point is about five feet , and then it tapers2 down from the angle of the roof ...

  6. VSP时深曲线的向下延伸

    Downward Extension of VSP Time-Depth Curve and Its Application in the Average Velocity Field

  7. 其中最大的一条,顶部宽3m,向下延伸25m。

    The largest wedge is 3m wide at the top , and extends 2 5m vertically .

  8. 矢状面MRI显示分叶状肿块从第四胸椎(L4)水平向下延伸。

    This magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) scan in sagittal view demonstrates a lobulated mass extending down from the level of L4 .

  9. 一条坎坷不平的小路象陡峭的楼梯一样向下延伸入平原(J.R.R.托尔金)

    A rough path descended like a steep stair into the plain ( J.R.R.Tolkien )

  10. 我们来观察黑板上坐标系的yz平面,它就看起来,像一条斜率为1且向下延伸的直线。

    If I look at what happens in the y , z plane in the plane of a blackboard , it will just look like a line that goes downward with slope one .

  11. 蚂蚁挖了一个地道网向下延伸

    The ants have dug a network oftunnels that extend downwards

  12. 这肌肉在腹腔内倾斜地向下延伸。

    This muscle runs obliquely downwards inside the abdominal cavity .

  13. 从房子向下延伸的一段台阶。

    A flight of steps sweeping down from the house .

  14. 那条小径从悬崖向下延伸到海滩。

    The path descended from the cliff to the beach .

  15. 我的意思是,它确实是向下延伸。

    I mean , if you want , it 's really going downward .

  16. 最初这项计划仅面向顶级高管,现在也慢慢向下延伸。

    At first , the program was only open to top SAS executives .

  17. 应将幼儿教育纳入义务教育规划,将义务教育向下延伸到幼儿教育。

    Compulsory pre-school education should be incorporated into the plan of compulsory education .

  18. 正中动脉向下延伸入手掌的在374侧标本中占3.74%。

    In 3.74 % of 374 sides the median artery extends into the palm .

  19. 卷烟销售的竞争已逐渐向下延伸到零售终端竞争。

    The competition in cigarette sales has been gradually extended to the retail end .

  20. 这里的通道十分陡峭地向下延伸,地上有些很小的铁路轨道。

    It sloped steeply downward and there were little railway tracks on the floor .

  21. “深的:向下延伸,远远低于表面的.”

    Deep : Extending far downward below a surface

  22. 但也可能向下延伸到几百英尺深处的岩层。

    But may extend as many as several hundred feet down to solid rock .

  23. 它已被列为高中阶段的必修课程,并有向下延伸的态势。

    This kind of study has been included in high school compulsory subjects and it tends to be extended .

  24. 研究结果证实了品牌向下延伸会对基于消费者的品牌权益产生负面影响;

    The study indicates that the introduction of step-down brand extension has a negative impact on the customer-based brand equity .

  25. 近年来,以太网从管理级向下延伸至控制级、设备级的垂直集成已经成为一种趋势和共识。

    In recent years , Ethernet extends down from the management level to control-level and device-level has become a trend and consensus .

  26. 这些病灶沿着纤维长束延伸且红核均未受累,提示病灶向下延伸的原因系水肿所致。

    These lesions extended along long fiber tracts and spared the red nucleus , suggesting that this downward extension was due to edema .

  27. 随着开采深度不断向下延伸,埋藏在地层深部的火成岩对煤层开采影响越来越严重,安全威胁越来越大。

    With the continuously downward extension of mining depth , the safety threat and effect to seam mining from igneous rocks buried deeply increases gradually .

  28. 在30处中脑-间脑接合处病灶中,11处病灶显著向上延伸累及间脑结构,18处病灶显著向下延伸累及脑桥延髓区域。

    Of the30 MDJ lesions , 11 showed a marked upward extension involving the diencephalic structures and18 had a prominent downward extension involving the pontobulbar region .

  29. 关于不同品牌的品牌资产受延伸策略的影响程度不同的假设得到部分证实,即向下延伸对较高品牌资产的品牌的负面影响将大于对较低品牌资产的品牌的负面影响。

    Meanwhile , the hypothesis that the impact of step-down extension on the superior brand is more negative than that on the inferior brand has been supported .

  30. 本系统实现了数据向上集中,服务向下延伸的财政工作目标,保证了各级各单位提供的资金数据的真实可靠性。

    The system implements the financial goal that data concentrate upward and services extend downward , which ensure the authenticity and reliability of all departments ' data .