- 动boll opening;opening of bolls

[opening of bolls;boll opening] 指棉桃熟裂,露出的白色棉絮
The increasing of nitrogenous fertilizer would postpone the boll opening period .
Relation Studies on Speed of Boll Opening and Yield , and Fiber Traits in Upland Cotton
The Bt insecticidal protein content in leaves and petals at later flower stage was the highest .
CAT activity of white cotton are the highest among brown cotton , green cotton , and white cotton , which green cotton lowest , in the bud stage , and boll opening stage .
Days before opening bolls the average temperature is 15 ℃, that makes cotton specific strength decrease obviously .
The 32 P mineral distribution percentage in reproducing organ decreased from square to open boll stage as well .
Blossom is the beginning of cotton PAD , and the beginning of open boll stage is the end of cotton PAD , so the PAD is the key stage in cotton cultivation .
In the seedling stage , bud stage , flowering and boll and boll opening of the four periods of the applied strain is not generally show the soil fungi are lower than CK bacteria ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ soil fungi .
When there is precipitation > 30 mm within 30 days before opening bolls : Specific strength of the cotton without shine of ultraviolet lamp increased ;
He tore some wadding from his jacket to plug the wound and went on firing .
The rate of shed leaves and boll open were influenced by temperature and sunlight hours .
The chlorophyll content enhanced by 11.8 % over the latter at the boll - opening stage ;
Dark respiration rate was the highest in the flowering stage and the lowest in the boll-opening stage .
There are a significant correlation between root length density and yields of cotton at flowering and boll opening stage .
The quantitative changes of bud , square , bloom flower , mature boll and open boll in cotton were studied .
This USDA crop progress report released on September 18 , 2005 showed 56 % of the crop has open bolls .
Natural colored cotton is born with natural color , its character is attained by hybridizing and gene conversion modern bioengineering technology .
From the seedling stage to boll opening of cotton on the whole , urease activity in all treatments was not significant .
Six current upland cotton cultivars were used to study the relationship between speed of boll opening and yield characters , and fiber traits .
Accumulative rate of dry matter of reproductive organ in wadding period were 6.25 times , 2.76 times and 1.88 times of the control .
In the boll opening stage , the temperature conditions are favorable in the inner areas than that in the marginal zones of the oasis .
Severe water deficit at seedling stage and wadding stage , medium water deficit at buds and bolls stage can be propitious to cotton yield .
Cheesecloth , cut into rectangles , with the ends of the threads knotted to prevent unravelling ( exlc . those requiring further fabrication before use )
Relation Studies on Speed of Boll Opening and Yield , and Fiber Traits in Upland Cotton 17 upland cotton varieties ( lines ) were studied .
Cotton sunshine fitness from strong to weak is respectively seeding stage , sowing stage , blossom stage , and boll opening stage and squaring stage .
Higher before peak flowering , the rates of carrying to the seed cotton were also higher during the period of boll opening ( August 25 ) .
After boll opening , transpiration reduces gradually , however , the cotton evapotranspiration between the crops within the seedling transpiration is 6.2 % of total of evapotranspiration .
The natural colored cotton means the cotton naturally with color during growing up ( when the cotton boll naturally open , the cotton fibres already have color ) .
Flowering and boll setting stage was the period when cotton boll forming was more intensively influenced by waterlogged stress than that during seedling period and boll opening period .
There was not distinctive difference among the treatments from Seeding stage to Bud stage , a greater difference between three treatments from full flower stage to boll opening stage .