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sī kōng
  • Sikong;a surname;minister of public works in ancient china
司空 [sī kōng]
  • (1) [minister of public works in ancient china]∶古代官名。古代中央政府中掌管工程的长官

  • (2) [surname]∶姓

司空[sī kōng]
  1. 现存《司空表圣诗集》,系由后人三次辑录而成。

    The present Sikong Biaosheng Shiji has been compiled three times by later generations .

  2. 司空把师父安排好,前往芭蕉洞找铁扇公主。

    After having made arrangements for his master , Monkey left for the Plantain Cave to see Princess Iron Fan .

  3. 司空玄见这貂儿纵跳若电,心下也是害怕,不住口的连发号令。

    But , seeing it jumping like lighting , the master was also feared , so barked a succession of commands .

  4. 比较重要的手工业都由王室和诸侯控制,众多的百工在司空的领导下负责管理各项手工业,其中最重要的仍然是青铜铸造业尤其是战车的制造。

    Royal families and vassals controlled important handicraft industries , in which various handicraftsmen were engaged under the control of Si Kong . Bronze casting continued to be most important , particularly in the building of chariots .

  5. 司空玄淡淡的道:“这女娃娃还真的有两下子,可是要到神农帮来撒野,却还不够。”斜目向身旁一个高身材的老者使个眼色,右手一挥。

    " The little girl 's kungfu isn 't bad , but not enough for her to run wild here ," said coldly the master , cast a tall old man at his side a sideways glance , and gave a wave of his right hand .