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shǐ jí
  • historical records;history
史籍 [shǐ jí]
  • [history;historical records] 记载史事的典籍

史籍[shǐ jí]
  1. 《中国佛教史籍概论》史学价值三题

    About the Historical Values of The Outline of Chinese Buddhism History

  2. 论元代道教史籍及其文献学价值

    On the Taoism History Documents in Yuan Dynasty and Their Philological Value

  3. 宋元史籍中的女真语研究

    A Study of Jurchen Language in Song and Yuan Historical Documents

  4. 史籍与语言&自杀的历史文化载体;

    The historical records and languages-historical and cultural carrier of suicide ;

  5. 论元代道教的发展对道教史籍的影响

    The Influence of Taoism Development of Yuan Dynasty on Taoism History Books

  6. 元代道教史籍发展的社会背景探析

    Analysis of social background of Taoism history books development in Yuan Dynasty

  7. 编年体史籍的时间结构

    The time structure of historical records in chronological style

  8. 张昭远与五代史籍

    Zhang Zhaoyuan and Historical Books of the Five Dynasties

  9. 该书传入日本后,成为与《史记》、《资治通鉴》等并列的著名史籍,广泛传播。

    It became very popular and got diversified editions in the Ming Dynasty .

  10. 他辩护过的最大案件,史籍上并无记载

    And the biggest case he argued never got written down in the books

  11. 此外,史籍记载很可能存在遗漏现象。

    Furthermore , historical record had miss phenomena .

  12. 记述三国史的著名史籍&《三国志》述评

    Famous Historical Records of Three Kingdoms & A Commentary on Annals of Three Kingdoms

  13. 第四,史籍编撰的原则和方法。

    Fourth , it includes the principles and methods of compiling the history books .

  14. 它填补了史籍记载的缺失和田野考古的不足,为人类社会发展史研究提供了珍贵的实物资料,在科学研究、发展旅游业、繁荣民族经济等方面具有重要价值。

    They are valuable for science research , development of tour and nationality economy .

  15. 陕西商州地区是古代重要的产银区,史籍中有着丰富的银、铅矿信息。

    The Shangzhou Region of Shanxi province is an important silver-producing region in ancient times .

  16. 《中国佛教史籍概论》是陈垣先生将佛教史与史学研究相结合的成果。

    The Outline of Chinese Buddhism History is one of Chen Yuan 's famous books .

  17. 在我国史籍中的天象记录文字内,太阳黑子的记录大约有246条。

    There . are about 246 sunspot records in the Chinese recorded history about the astronomical phenomena .

  18. 东南亚的黑色人种屡见于中国史籍,研究者认为黑人早在史前时期可能还分布于中国南部。

    Southeast Asias Black Human Race & the Historical Relationship between Her and the Nationalities in South China ;

  19. 陈垣的《中国佛教史籍概论,》是一部有关佛教史籍目录的研究性著作。

    Chen Yuan 's Chinese Buddhism Historical Records Introduction is a research work of Buddhism historical records catalogue .

  20. 史籍所见尧都之平阳是一个地理区域概念。

    Pingyang , the capital of yao in historical documents , just is the concept of geographical area .

  21. 古代史籍中保存着较多有关娱乐活动的记载,从中反映出不同时期的文化特征。

    Ancient documents keep much more records of entertainment activities , which reflect the cultural features at different periods .

  22. 他使用了社会学的研究方法,并结合传统的实证史学方法,也从中国史籍里面找一些材料。

    And he adopted sociological methodology combined with empirical study and some collected materials from Chinese literature of history study .

  23. 第三部分包括哈萨克族史诗、系谱以及汉文史籍有关哈萨克历史的记述与认识这三个方面。

    The third part including the Kazak , family , and Chinese history books on the history of the Kazakh .

  24. 其实根据中国史籍记载,早在唐宋时期,中国人就对澳洲有所认识。

    Some ancient Chinese documents , however , show that the Chinese during the Tang and Song Dynasties had known Australia .

  25. 本文综合出土文物和史籍记载,对湖南茶文化的历史地位作了较为详细的论述。

    The historic position of Hunan tea culture was discussed from the historic legends , excavated culture relics and historic records .

  26. 据史籍记载,汉成帝微服出游,在其姐姐家遇到一绝代佳人,乃咸阳赵飞燕。

    According to historical records , EMPEROR travel incognito , in his sister met a peerless beauty , is Xianyang mermaid .

  27. 简要论述了中国古代史籍发展过程中几个重要因素,并对其进行探索和研究。

    A brief exposition of several key factors in the development of ancient Chinese historical records and it 's exploration and research .

  28. 本文通过搜集的大量方志及各类史籍资料,从中进行筛选、整理、分析研究。

    This article through the collection of local records and various historical records , from the selection , arrangement , analysis and research .

  29. 同时康熙帝重视史籍的收集,运用行政手段,帮助收集《明史》所需史料。

    In the meantime , Emperor Kang Xi emphasized the collection of historical literature and documentation and employed administrative means in so doing .

  30. 秦汉史籍所谓的“十里一亭”之说是不足凭信的。

    The statement of " One Pavilion Every Ten Li " in historical materials of the Qin and Han Dynasties is not true .