
  • 网络Taiwan island
  1. 黑潮在台湾岛东南通过冷涡C1以东海域,然后作气旋式弯曲。

    The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows east of a cold eddy C1.then it makes a cyclonic meander .

  2. 黑潮无分支,它在台湾岛东南海域由东南向西北偏北向流,到达台湾岛附近转向东北,位于123°E以西,沿着台湾岛东岸由南向北流。

    There is no branch of the Kuroshio . The Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows from the southeast to the northwest until reaching near Taiwan Island , and then flows northward west of 123 ° E ;

  3. 餐厅上下三层随处可以看见洗手水龙头和区分成性别的“WC”标记。整个(entire)台湾岛共有12家厕所主题(theme)连锁餐厅。

    Sink faucets and gender-coded " WC " signs appear throughout the three-storey facility , one of12 in an island-wide chain of eateries with a toilet theme .

  4. 结果表明,TC从东侧登陆台湾岛损失的强度为西侧登陆损失强度的2倍以上;

    First of all , the intensity loss of TCs landing from the east side is twice more than that of TCs from west side .

  5. 利用97版POM模式对环台湾岛海域M2分潮作了分辨率较高的三维数值模拟。

    Three dimensional numerical study of M 2 tide characteristic is made with fairly high resolution using version 97 POM ( Princeton Ocean Model ) .

  6. POM模式边界条件的数值试验及其在环台湾岛海域风生流模拟中的应用

    A Numerical Experimentation on Boundary Condition of POM and its Application to Wind-driven Flow Simulation in the Sea Area Around Taiwan Island of China

  7. 调查区浮游硅藻的细胞数量偏低,主要受营养盐的限制,在台湾岛东北和30°N,127°E附近海域有两个密集区。

    Cell abundance of planktonic diatoms in the survey area is relatively low , it is due to nutrient restriction , but there are two high concentration areas near northeast of Taiwan Island and 30 ° N , 127 ° E.

  8. TC登陆台湾岛东侧时强度损耗与TC登陆前其自身的强度呈正相关,而登陆台湾岛西侧则没有明显的统计规律;

    Thirdly , there is a positive correlation between the intensity loss and initial intensity for the TCs landing from the east side whereas no such correlation exists for TCs from west side .

  9. 用1997版POM海洋模式,首次应用于环台湾岛海域的潮波数值研究。

    POM 97 , an oceanic model , has been used for the first time to the numerical study on the tidal waves of the sea regions around Taiwan .

  10. 就算只是为了看看招牌,台湾岛上的象鼻人(Ecstasy)服装连锁店也是值得一逛。

    And it is worth a visit to the Ecstasy retail clothing chain on the island of Taiwan just to see what is posted out front .

  11. 结果表明,环台湾岛海域的M2潮波主要为大洋传来的胁振潮,台湾海峡为强潮区;

    The results show that M 2 tidal waves in the sea area around Taiwan Strait Island are formed by tide invasion from the Pacific Ocean . and Taiwan Strait is a strong tide area ;

  12. 东沙群岛西南冷涡的海水理化特性(2)黑潮在台湾岛东南通过冷涡C1以东海域,然后作气旋式弯曲。

    PHYSICAL CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SEAWATER IN THE COLD EDDY SOUTHWEST OF DONGSHA ISLANDS ( 2 ) the Kuroshio southeast of Taiwan Island flows east of a cold eddy C1.then it makes a cyclonic meander .

  13. 利用ARGO剖面浮标资料并结合卫星高度计资料,对台湾岛以东的涡旋垂向结构及其运动特征进行了详细的分析。

    In this study , we give a detailed investigation of the vertical structure of the eddies east of Taiwan Island by using the ARGO profiling data and Altimeter data .

  14. 该航次黑潮在断面K2的位置在124°E以西,与其他航次时期相比,此时黑潮通过台湾岛东南断面K2的位置明显向东移动。

    The Kuroshio is located west of 124 ° E at Section K2 in December 1997 , i. e. , the location of the Kuroshio at Section K2 during this cruise moves eastward as compared with that during other cruises .

  15. 台湾岛以东A-24C及A-50C岩芯中的放射虫化石与沉积环境

    Radiolaria Fossils in Cores A-24C and A-50C and Sedimentary Environment in the Area East of Taiwan Island

  16. 东海黑潮水与陆架水是两种不同性质的水团,以台湾岛以北到济州岛的120m等深线为界来从研究黑潮和陆架水的交换和混合特征。

    With the boundary at isobath of 120 meter from the north of the Taiwan island to the Cheju island , the exchange and mixture of the Kuroshio water and the shelf water is discussed .

  17. 台湾岛以东海域是黑潮变异最为强烈的区域之一,副热带逆流(STCC)区产生的大量涡旋西传至此,对台湾以东的黑潮流径和流量产生较大影响。

    The Kuroshio , the poleward western boundary current of the subtropical North Pacific Ocean , has its largest variability east of Taiwan Island due to the influence of westward propagating eddies generated from the STCC .

  18. 影响台风有两类,一类是台风在台湾岛附近登陆或以北海域活动的,其水汽、能量主要以850hPa层输送尤为明显,这类台风云系与暴雨区之间的晴空区明显。

    There are two kinds of typhoons influencing the rainstorm in Shanxi Province . One makes landfall on or moves around the island of Taiwan which transports large amount of vapor and energy at 850 hPa , and the cloud image between the two regions is featured by cloudless sky .

  19. 2005年登陆台湾岛台风路径特点及成因分析

    Analysis of Track of Typhoon Landing on Taiwan Island in 2005

  20. 海南岛与台湾岛农业气候资源比较

    Comparison of Agro - climate Resources in Hainan and Taiwan Islands

  21. 台湾岛上的居民区可追溯到30000年前。

    Evidence of human settlement in Taiwan dates back 30000 years .

  22. 台湾岛和台湾海峡地区台风异常路径的分析

    Analysis of typhoon anomalous path over Taiwan Island and Taiwan Strait

  23. 复杂地形与锋面系统共同作用对台湾岛暴雨影响的数值分析

    The effects of front and topography on heavy rain in Taiwan

  24. 台湾岛的形状是一个拉长的椭圆形。

    Taiwan Island has the shape of an elongated oval .

  25. 台湾岛以东海域地球物理场特征及其构造演化

    Geophysical Field Character and Tectonic Evolution of Eastern Waters off Taiwan Island

  26. 他的家在台南,则是在台湾岛的南部。

    His home , tainan , is in the south .

  27. 台湾岛台南地区历史时期的海陆变迁

    Land-sea changes in Tainan region , taiwan island during the historical periods

  28. 台湾岛地形对台风移动路径的作用

    Effect of the Orography of Taiwan Island on Typhoon Tracks

  29. 许多从台湾岛来的瓶装饮料在当地售出。

    Many bottled drinks from the island are sold there .

  30. 我国台湾岛的地震构造特征

    The characteristics of seismotectonics of Taiwan island , china